Tag: Pinterest

Using Tumblr, Yelp and Pinterest with MarketHive

I have wanted to write this blog post for a while showing people how I share pictures from popular sites like Yelp, Pinterest, Tumblr with MarketHive. I assume everyone is using MarketHive for their WordPress websites. If you have not signed up please feel free to visit my site at https://markethive.com/alzibluk or go to my own personal website at the end of this article to click on the widget on the top right.

I like pictures as a picture says a thousand words . I am a better photographer than writer. Pictures tell stories.

I use Instagram for all my pictures (userid alzibluk). The sundial really enhances them. Unfortunately with Instagram it uses embedded scripts in sharing with other sites which will not show up with the MarketHive Plugin. I have a similar problem with Pinterest but there is a way around this. I will show you later.

With Instagram I can immediately post my pictures to Flickr, Tumblr, Foursquare,Facebook and Twitter. Later I will go to my gallery on my phone to post to Pinterest and Yelp (only if it is involving dining).

The first thing when I am ready to write a blog post is find the pictures I want to use. I currently use Google Chrome as my main browser. Once I find the picture I want to use I will have my mouse on the picture. Then I click right mouse button which opens a new window where I select Open Image in new tab. I then proceed to go to that tab to copy the url address of it which I will copy and paste into my notepad. I did this three times for this post.

The second thing I do is have my text all typed out. I want my hyperlinks all set up. I do know basic html and still use EditPlus. I then go my MarketHive account, click Blogs and Write a new Blog Post. I click the source button and copy/paste my html text. I then hit source button a second time. I move my cursor between the paragraphs where I want to Insert image. Hitting the image button will open up a new dialog box. I will paste the image url where it says url at the top. I don t like going higher than 500 for my Width and Height settings.

My first picture I am taking from my Tumblr account. As I mentioned earlier when I publish in Instagram it publishes in Tumblr. This picture is Ordinary in New Haven, Connecticut. I like to go there on a Friday night after the end of the work week. Ordinary was listed in Conde Nast Traveler — Drink Up: The Greatest Bars in the World. While I am there I like thinking about content for my blogs. It is where I go to think.

My second picture I am taking from my Yelp account. I like to go to the Dew Drop Inn in Derby, Connecticut for Buffalo Wings on Saturday mornings. This picture is the JD BBC Cucumber Wasabi Wings which is probably my third favorite.My favorite so far are the Buttery BBQ Montreal Wings. While I am at the Dew Drop Inn I continue on thinking about what I want to post in my blogs.

My last picture I am taking from my Pinterest account. It is a foliage picture I took on Saturday October 31, 2015 in Bethany, Connecticut. It is part of the West Rock Trail that ends in New Haven. As you can guess while there I think about my blog posts.

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I hope this blog post helps. If you believe that my message is worth spreading,please use the share buttons if they are visible on this page. I am borrowing that line from Stephen Hodgkiss, Chief Engineer at MarketHive.

All the best,

Alan Zibluk
e-mail: alan@internetguy.ws


Al Zibluk

Fun on Pinterest with Thought Provoking Quotes

Although I did make these pins for Pinterest, the intellectual property is not mine. I searched the web for both pictures and the exact quote. I pasted the pictures into PowerPoint and then edited them down to size with Gimp 2. It only took me a few minutes to do them. It was fun for me to do while taking a mental break.

The Robert Evans quote I heard on a documentary about him. He has had many different relationships with people over the years and I feel has a good grasp of society. His quote has helped me understand people better. I do have a few people in my life who truly believe the world revolves around them. Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the creators of South Park had a great line in episode “Fishsticks” (Season 13, Episode 5), “your ego is so big that you subconsciously remember things incorrectly to make yourself feel more important.” This episode is available on Netflix Streaming.

My second picture is the toast Elaine Benes made on “Seinfeld” just before her disastrous public dancing spectacle. Some people just can’t dance.

My last pin is from a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode. Data the Android wants to understand human behavior better and gets involved in a romantic relationship. He asked different crew members their advice and get very different but real answers. Captain Picard’s response I thought was the best. The episode is also available on Netflix Streaming (Season 4 Episode 25).

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Feel free to share (or like) anything I have done on Pinterest with others and feel free to follow me.

Follow Me on Pinterest

All the best,

Alan Zibluk
The Internet Guy
e-mail: alan@alantheinternetguy.com

The Original Internet Guy Website (2004)

Who is Alan Zibluk — http://www.alanzibluk.com

I just got repinned! Do you still respect me?

I love being repinned on Pinterest. Each time this happens my chances of going viral gets better. The more people who see it, the bigger chances of people liking and sharing on Facebook and Twitter. The picture below is the one that was just repinned.

These are my pictures and my words. I made a crucial mistake with the picture above as I didn’t put my link in it. I try to do this with new pictures. See picture below bottom left.

Blogging is a great way to be successful. Many people don’t know where to start. I tell them all the same thing, just be yourself. In this blog post I am being Alan Zibluk. Alan Zibluk has a strange, peculiar sense of humor but enough people listen and like what he has to say.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Feel free to share (or like) anything I have done on Pinterest with others and feel free to follow me.

Follow Me on Pinterest

All the best,

Alan Zibluk
The Internet Guy
e-mail: alan@alantheinternetguy.com

The Original Internet Guy Website (2004)

Who is Alan Zibluk — http://www.alanzibluk.com


This offbeat documentary starring comedian Jamie Kennedy explores the often contentious relationship between the stand-up performers onstage and the vocal critics in the audience. Interviews include comedian Bill Maher and director George Lucas.

I want to start off my saying this documentary was more about Jamie Kennedy with his handling of negative blog movie reviews than stand-up performers dealing with vocal critics. This is Jamie Kennedy’s movie and it was okay with me as it shows words hurt. I am recommending this as we all have to deal with negative criticism from time to time.

I obviously do blog movie reviews. I was told years ago if I wanted to build an online presence I would need to write what I know. I do know movies and like relating some of my own personal experiences with them. It is good for me to get words out. I know too well how words hurt so I try not to be too negative in my criticism. One movie in particular I did not like was “The Notebook.” I gave my readers compelling reasons why I didn’t like it. I actually hope more people will see this movie and have an intelligent discussion about what I didn’t like.

I wanted to explain myself as people who do blog movie reviews were criticized. Most of those critics seemed like okay people who were giving constructed criticism. There was just one critic who seemed to take delight in hurting Mr. Kennedy. I thought this one particular critic was portrayed as a mean spirited hostile jerk. Unfortunately there will always be people like this and we must be a little more thick skinned.

As mentioned before I am recommending this documentary as we all deal with unwanted negative criticism from time to time. It was enjoyable hearing some of the different characterizations of the heckler.

George Lucas was interviewed in this movie. He had a great quote. “There are two types of people in this world. There are creators and destroyers. I prefer to align myself with the creators because they bring something positive.”

I wanted to include a summer of 2012 picture in this review. I think about sandcastles. I am not talented enough to make one but appreciate the skill. It is funny to me how quickly someone makes one another person will come around and destroy it. The sandcastle above was destroyed by some kids after I took this picture. They noticed I was admiring it.
Click here for the Netflix link in case you would like to add it to your queue. This one I watched through Netflix streaming. I am giving this one 3.6 stars.

I have been experimenting with Pinterest. I am linking poster pictures to my reviews. If you would like to take a look, click here.

All the best,

Alan Zibluk
The Internet Guy
e-mail: alan@alantheinternetguy.com

The Original Internet Guy Website (2004)

Who is Alan Zibluk — http://www.alanzibluk.com