Tag: business

Part 4 — 5 Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging 5 part series


4. Want to Improve Yourself?

Once you actually start, you will realise that blogging has the ability to improve your language and communication skills (especially if you are blogging in a language that is not your mother tongue). This happens automatically as you start reading and researching your post topics.

The more you write the more you'll find yourself checking for grammatical and spelling errors and trying to get the message across more effectively. You also learn how to entertain and perhaps even coax readers through your writing.

Sidebar: To help with this you can try Grammarly. Grammarly is free and it helps ensure everything you type is easy to read, effective, and mistake-free. Grammarly also has browser extensions for Chrome, Safari and Firefox. 

Blogging also gets you connected to a range of new people from various countries, with different cultures and backgrounds. Who knows, you may even form relationships if you communicate with them through the comments section. 

It is really quite exciting watching more and more people subscribe to your blog, post comments, ask questions and just start interacting with you and other members. As you get good responses to your posts it will positively impact your self-esteem which will consequently improve your life.

Stay tuned for Part 5!


Melody Christie

Where life takes me..

Click here to start blogging & connecting with amazing people from all over the world!

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Part 3 — 5 Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging 5 part series

Want to earn some money?

There are many ways people earn from blogging and you could too. Whilst it may take time to build a following and start earning a regular income from blogging, it is possible. Here are a few ways you can start.

1) Affiliate Programs

There are countless affiliates programs online and many of them provide you with marketing collateral like banners, images and unique referral links. If you write a post that is related to that affiliate program, you can easily add your affiliate links within the article itself. 

Alternatively, you can also add a banner at the beginning or end of your blog (similar to what I done here for Markethive).

You can also check out the Blog Posts section on my "Hacking Travel" Group to see how I've incorporated Amazon product links there and how you can do something similar.

2) Banner Advertising

Once your blog has a regular flow of visitors and you have the stats to show this, you can sell advertising space and invite companies with complementing products or services to buy a spot.

For instance, if your blog is about parenting you could invite companies that sell educational games or other children related items to buy an ad spot. 

If your blog is about places to visit in Colorado, for example, you can make a deal with your favourite local bakery and invite them to buy an ad spot or tell them you will advertise their bakery for free if they can give your readers a free croissant or coffee every Tuesday, or something like that. 

3) CPC / PPC / CPM Ads

Cost per click (also called pay per click) ads are usually banners that can be placed within your blog content or in the sidebar. Each time a reader clicks on the ad, you are paid for that click. Your reader does not actually have to buy anything from the advertiser. They only need to click the ad.

CPM Ads (“cost per 1,000 impressions,”) on the other hand are ads that pay you a fixed amount of money based on how many people view your ad. This is great if you have a high traffic blog.

One of the most popular networks that provide this type of advertising is Google AdSense. Many bloggers employ this method because they do not need to contact any advertisers as Google takes care of all that. 

You only need to place the banner on your site and Google will determine what ads are relevant to your content. When your viewers click on the ads, you will get paid by Google. That's it.

Of course, Google is not the only company to offer this type of advertising. There are other companies such as Infolinks.com and Media.net, that you can check out.

It is worth mentioning that you will not earn a large amount right of the bat, but as you continue blogging, creating a brand for yourself and establishing yourself as an expert, you will start to see the money come in.

4) Paid to Blog

Finally, there is a platform that actually pays you to blog. It's called Markethive. I personally prefer this method because my earnings are not solely dependant on anyone clicking my affiliate links or banners or ads. In addition, it allows me to earn with my very first blog post. Very few platforms in this world give you that opportunity. Plus they pay you in cryptocurrency!

Of course, my hope is that my readers find the content I provide helpful and useful and so they follow through to purchase whatever they need to through my links but knowing that I'm earning just for blogging, is nothing short of awesome! Want to start earning for every blog post? Click here.

Stay tuned for Part 4!


Melody Christie

Where life takes me..

Click here to start your free Markethive account in 1 minute flat!

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Part 2 — 5 Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging 5 part series

Photo by Dakota Corbin on Unsplash


2. Do you want to help others?

Think about it, how many times have you desperately Googled for something and then found the answer you were looking for in a blog post?

In the same way, if you choose to blog on a topic you have some experience with, you could very well provide the answers to questions many people are searching for.

For instance, if you're an Entrepreneur, you could offer advice to others who are considering becoming one, talk about the things to look out for when choosing a business, potential pitfalls, the need to commit and spend at least a little time each day working on their project and such.

Or if you are a foodie (yes, it's a thing now), you could tell people where all the best restaurants, cafes and eateries are, the best time to visit to avoid standing around waiting for a table, etc.

Think of it as helping people. Put yourself in their shoes and consider;
– what they are searching for
– what they need help with
– what you already know
– what you are good at
– how you can help them

It's heartwarming going through the reader's comments knowing your post has helped someone.. even if it's a seemingly small thing like how to re-open a browser tab they've closed prematurely 🙂 (<– this was not a blog post but it was one of my early shares and the response was just great)

If you would like to test your blogging skills, Markethive is a free platform that provides you with everything you need to do just that. Plus it comes with a community of supportive Entrepreneurs who are happy to guide you along the way… and the icing on the cake? You get paid for every post you make! What else could you ask for?

Click here to start your free Markethive account in 1 minute flat!

Melody Christie

Where life takes me..

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Part 1 — 5 Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging 5 part series

Blogging has become an extremely popular thing to do these days. 

What started out as someone having a kind of online diary has morphed into something anyone can use to discuss anything they like — whether it is their daily activities or promoting a business, sharing political opinions, or doing movie reviews, discussing travels, you name it!

In this series, we'll be discussing the reason why you should start a blog and how it could add value to your life or business.


1) Got a fantastic hobby?

If you're passionate about something, you probably won't stop blogging about it until someone pries your fingers away from the keyboard. 

Starting a blog can be confusing especially if the internet, WordPress, hosting, SEO, etc. are all new to you. 

You could start a blog very easily by using Markethive though. The entire platform is already set up for you and so all you need to do is actually pick a title and start typing 🙂

Blogging can be quite fulfilling especially when your posts gain popularity and people start to read your posts, send in their questions and comments, etc.

Blogging will also encourage you to get out and learn more and more about the subject you're blogging about thereby giving you a never-ending supply of fresh content for your blog. Plus, you can blog from anywhere!

You will be so pleased with yourself once you have a community of like-minded individuals around you, all contributing towards the success of your blog and hobby.

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Stay tuned for the next article!


Melody Christie

Where life takes me..

Note: I have to warn you though, with the people being the way they are these days, they won't just skip your blog or keep quiet if they don't like what you're saying. There are those who seem to think it their duty to point out every error or to just be negative in the comments section, so..

DO. NOT. LET. IT. BOTHER. YOU. You just do you 🙂

Click here to start your free Markethive account in 1 minute flat!


ecosystem for entrepreneurs

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Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member



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Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member

Golden money making opportunities

If you are an entrepreneur, a business, a shoe store, an affiliate or referral promotor, musician, artist, attorney, teacher, waitress, anything that requires a buyer or consumer or subscriber to something you have or are selling or promoting, then you need a market. Within that market are customers and those customers are often referred to as “leads”.

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Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member

Amazon will become an Advertising Giant

Michael K. Spencer

Blockchain Mark Consultant, tech Futurist, prolific writer. WeChat: mikekevinspencer.

Move over Google and Facebook, Amazon will dethrone you.

Just as Alibaba and Tencent compete for supremacy in the veritable tech dynasty that is emerging in China, in the U.S. Amazon and Google are increasingly becoming direct competitors.

Nowhere is this going to be more fun to watch than in advertising, smart speakers and the future of how tech companies become implicated in Health Care.

As Amazon ramps up expensive physical store expansion and logistics fulfillment with rising postal costs and higher minimum wages, it needs another “cash-cow” to fund its growth. The low-hanging fruit here is definitely digital Advertising.

Amazon is on track to generate $10 billion a year from its advertising business

Amazon’s trajectory in Advertising is also based on the growth of its Prime subscribers?—?well over 100 million at this point. With more consumers in the funnel comes more traffic and higher value for brands to advertise with Amazon, instead of outdated banner Ads with Google.

  • Amazon is quickly becoming the 3rd horseman of Western digital advertising.
  • Amazon’s growth in advertising and Alexa becoming ubiquitous is a major threat to Google and, to a lesser extent, Facebook.
  • Google has made progress with Google Home devices in 2018, but it’s hard to catch up to Alexa or AWS in the cloud.

Amazon reported $2.5 billion in sales in its “Other” category in Q3, guess what that means? It means brands are moving from Google to Amazon to do their ads. Some advertisers have already opted to move over half of their budgets from Google search to Amazon ads, according to CNBC.

Like Netflix or Tesla, Amazon is a favorite of Wall Street. Its aggressive pursuit of health care, grocery, AI and advertising means Amazon can scale over the next two decades in ways that will make Facebook and perhaps even Google look obsolete. This essentially means as an advertising platform Amazon can only go up.

Alphabet should be terrified even as they are in the smart home and some hardware initiatives, but nothing that can compare with Amazon’s dynamic approach. Alexa’s penetration of the smart home, robotics and consumer products is elevating the game, and few other companies will be able to keep up (outside of China).

EMarketer predicts Amazon will become the third largest digital ad seller in the U.S. by 2020, behind Google and Facebook. This is not news, but it may be the first time you are reading this. Even as Amazon’s stock had one of the worst weeks in recent memory, the bullish Amazon stock is the epitome of Wall Street’s recent tech bubble.

While Alphabet’s Waymo is going to be a big winner, Amazon will likely have several big winners in the decade ahead. The safest bet is digital advertising as formative companies such as Google and Facebook completely warped the internet due to their emphasis on Ads, and this led to a decline of innovation and startups in the U.S. Amazon is the last U.S. company that, in some sense, can compete on a global scale with China.

Amazon, not Google or Walmart, is the perennial “American Company”. I think the 2020s will demonstrate this.

Amazon has just a small sliver of the digital ads market in 2018, but fast forward to 2028, and just look at that chart.

Eventually Amazon Prime Video will be a massive place for digital Ads. And with Netflix’s level of debt and cash burn, it’s doubtful it will even be around in 2030. Facebook and Google have made some poor decisions that have impacted their reputations in 2018. Amazon here has the most to gain. There’s an important catch here: Amazon has demonstrated it is forconsumers, so an Amazon gain is generally a gain for consumers who value convenience, discounts and bundled services that finally have given subscriptions a good rep.

Facebook and Google were never truly on the side of consumers (nor was Microsoft), and that’s a sign of more evolved business models. Amazon’s trust levels are high and increasing the minimum wage and opening new stores should only augment it. The future of advertising is intimately connected with consumer and brand trust, and this is why Amazon as an underdog in advertising can truly disrupt the Ad-duopoly and change the face of advertising as we know it over the course of the next ten years.  https://medium.com/futuresin/amazon-will-become-an-advertising-giant-83809ac3e858

Amazon’s U.S. advertising business will generate $4.6 billion in revenues this year, giving it a 4.1% share of the market. For Amazon, its A-Z game plan?—?to dominate groceries, AI, the smart home, and ultimately advertising?—?is just beginning. Bottom line, if Amazon wins the consumer wins, and that’s the best equation for the global economy.

Jeff Bezos has googly eyes for taking on Google, and the tech wars have gotten quite serious for the future of artificial intelligence.

Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member

Welcome to the largest online project Become a shareholder of the Gem4me messenger

The future is today in your smartphone! Gem4me messenger: ????Welcome to the largest online project! Become a shareholder of the Gem4me messenger! 

Already more than 6 million users from around the world have chosen to communicate a modern and convenient instant messenger. Be always in touch with the world! Convenient and modern functionality, unlimited opportunities for communication, financial transactions, exclusive tools for business and income. Choose the best, as it has already been done by millions of users worldwide!  https://bnc.lt/hZ5g/GkFFlsQurJ

Get this on ur Mobile Phone now, invest and earn Money. Millions of people from around the world have teamed up to create the best mobile application. Welcome to the very first project of creating a messenger of the people! We combined tens of thousands of people from various countries of the world in order to create the best mobile application in the world.After providing your identifying documents and investing, you can become the co-owner of the Company with your information being included into the Shareholder Registry.

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The main competitive advantages of the Market Space platform are as follows: 

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A great opportunity to become a co-owner of the Gem4me messenger and receive all types of income + main income after the messenger sale! INSAYT! Do you know that it is in the market of instant messengers and mobile commerce that the greatest profits are created today? Don't miss the CENTURY OF THE CENTURY ! https://bnc.lt/hZ5g/GkFFlsQurJ

The future is today in your smartphone!


Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member

World’s Top 10 Youngest Billionaires

By Caitlin Kindig | Updated July 12, 2018 — 10:02 AM EDT

Thanks to family inheritances, family businesses, and technology startups, there seem to be more young billionaires today than at any point in history.  According to Forbes, the youngest billionaire in the world comes in at just 21 years old, with the tenth youngest being 32 years old. Kylie Jenner is on the cusp of being the world's youngest self-made billionaire, a title that Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of Facebook (FB), earned in 2006 at the age of 23. Jenner, now 20 years old has an estimated net worth of $900 million and will turn 21 in August 2018.

This list is according to Forbes' real-time net worth ranking as of July 11, 2018.

1. Alexandra Andresen
Born in 1996, Alexandra Andresen is the world's youngest billionaire, at just 21 years old. She is a Norwegian heiress and the daughter of Johan H. Andresen Jr., who owns Ferd, a Norwegian investment company that runs hedge funds, actively invests in the Nordic Stock Exchange, and has private equity investments. In 2007, Andresen and her sister, Katharina, were each transferred 42.2% of the ownership stakes and subsequently inherited the money. Andresen has an estimated net worth of $1.4 billion. 

2. Katharina Andresen
Katharina Andresen is the world's second-youngest billionaire, as only her sister Alexandra is younger. Andresen also inherited 42.2% of the Ferd ownership stakes. She is 23 years old and has an estimated net worth of $1.4 billion. 

3. Gustav Magnar Witzoe
Gustav Magnar Witzoe owns nearly half of Salma ASA, one of the world's largest salmon producers. Salmar spearheaded the industrialization of salmon farming in Norway. This stake was given to him in 2013 by his father, Gustav Magar Sr., who founded the company in 1991. Because Witzoe Sr. still runs the company, Gustav invests in real estate and tech startups. He is 25 years old has an estimated net worth of $2.7 billion.

4. John Collison
John Collison is the owner and co-founder of Stripe, a company that builds software for businesses to plug into websites and apps to instantly connect with credit card and banking systems in order to receive payments. The 27-year-old Irish entrepreneur devised the idea for Stripe with his brother, Patrick, when they were both attending university in Boston. The company is valued at $9.2 billion, and Collison himself has an estimated net worth of $1 billion.

5. Evan Spiegel
Evan Spiegel is the co-founder and CEO of Snap Inc, a camera company which operates Snapchat — a photo messaging service that delivers temporary photos between friends. Snap Inc has a market cap of $16.7 billion as of July 11, 2018. Spiegel studied product design at Stanford University, where he met his co-founder and fellow billionaire, Bobby Murphy. Evan Spiegel is 28 years old and has a net worth of $3 billion.

6. Ludwig Theodor Braun
Ludwig Theodor Braun owns 10% of the medical device company B. Braun Melsungen, which was founded in 1839 as a small pharmacy that sold herbal remedies. Now, the company manufactures injection solutions and surgical instruments. The company had over $7.9 billion in sales for 2017. Braun is 28 years old and has an estimated net worth of $1.6 billion.

7. Bobby Murphy
Bobby Murphy is the second half of the co-founding pair that brought Snap Inc to the marketplace, and he also owns the company. Murphy is older than his fellow co-founder Spiegel and studied mathematics and computational science at Stanford University. Murphy is 29 years old and has an estimated net worth of $3 billion.

8. Patrick Collison
Brother of John Collison, Patrick is the co-founder and CEO of Stripe, the company that allows businesses and individuals to easily accept payment over the internet. Stripe's big-name investors include Elon Musk and Peter Thiel. Collison is 29 years old and has an estimated net worth of $1 billion.

9. Wang Han
Wang Han inherited wealth from the shares he holds in Juneyao Air, a major airline company based in Shanghai. He inherited the shares from his deceased father who founded Juneyao Group which also has business involvement in retailing, education, and food. Han is 30 years old and has an estimated net worth of $1.3 billion.

10. Lukas Walton
Lukas Walton is the grandson of the famous founder of Walmart Inc. (WMT), Sam Walton. He inherited his fortune as well as one-third of the family estate from his father, John Walton, who died in a plane crash in 2005. An active investor and philanthropist, Walton owns stakes in Walmart, First Solar, and Arvest Bank. He is 32 years old and has an estimated net worth of $14.2 billion.


Read more: World's Top 10 Youngest Billionaires | Investopedia https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/101415/worlds-top-10-youngest-billionaires.asp#ixzz5RTXl2rsa 
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Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member