Trusted Crypto Tumbler To Protect Your Wealth

Trusted Crypto Tumbler To Protect Your Wealth

crypto tumbler

Back when Bitcoin originally emerged, over 11 years ago at this point,

cryptocurrency transactions were believed to be fully anonymous. This belief stuck around for years to come, but today, we know that, in most cases — this is no longer the truth. Since the invention of blockchain explorers, it became possible to track every Bitcoin transaction, all the way back to the genesis block. This came as a part of blockchain transparency which promises to eliminate corruption, theft, and other such issues. However, there is still a need for a certain level of privacy, as people like to keep their wealth to themselves, and not let everyone know how much money they have, or how much they sent for whatever purpose. This is why many are now using crypto tumblers, or mixers.

What do crypto mixers do?

As the name suggests, crypto mixers/tumblers mix up the coins in order to hide/disguise/make it difficult to discover where the coins came from. Things like the amounts, transactions, and wallet addresses to and from which the coins travel are fully traceable, which is why tumblers exist. In a way, you could say that mixers can add an extra layer of privacy while using Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and many other cryptocurrencies. There are many Bitcoin mixers, as well as mixers that focus on these other cryptos, specifically, such as Ethereum mixers. There are also services that offer mixing for multiple coins.

But, they all work in the same way. When you obtain your coins through purchase within exchange (where your identity is known due to current regulations), the exchange knows exactly who you are and how much money you have. The same is true for everyone else who has the authority to request such data from the exchange. If you simply transfer the funds to your private wallet, anyone will be able to track this transaction. They will see where the funds came from, where they went, and what amount made that trip. With your identity known on the exchange, it is easy to conclude that the wallet address belongs to you as well. If you send the money to a mixer first, however, it will still deliver the money to your wallet, but it will change the time of the second part of the transaction, as well as the amount that arrives, and the path from the exchange to the wallet will be interrupted. This brings additional security and privacy, and makes your use of crypto difficult to track.

Keep your identity safe with cryptocurrency tumblers

Using tumblers for cryptocurrencies has a number of benefits. For example, it allows you to stay anonymous. It can also discourage hackers, who would otherwise be attracted by your wallet if they knew that significant amounts are going in and out. It would also allow you to stay private, as people would be able to see that the coins are entering or leaving, but they would not know whose those coins are. As a result, you can spend them without the transactions being traced to your name. Not to mention that you still need protection from the real-world criminals, who might go after you if they discover that you own a wallet filled with coins that have become highly-valued. Shopping with crypto is also becoming more and more popular, with the number of merchants accepting coins growing almost on a daily basis. With additional privacy that comes from the use of Bitcoin tumblers, you can easily purchase anything online without people knowing that it was you.

Bitcoin fungibility

Finally, you can also use crypto tumblers to make your Bitcoin more fungible. The fungibility issue has attracted the attention of many, as people ask the question of whether a certain quantity of BTC can be swapped for another of equal value. Of course, the answer is yes. All Bitcoins come with the same value, regardless of whether the coin you gave is the same that you got back or not. But, due to the protocol that makes each coin have its own unique hash and signature, it is still possible to track a particular coin. That is why using mixers to give away your particular coins and get others that have the same value can help you stay truly anonymous. No one will know who you are, even if they know where your coin came from, which gives you the ability to hide your identity completely.

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Own A Piece Of Markethive — Lifetime Income Opportunity
Markethive, the first Social/Market Network built on the Blockchain, introduces The Entrepreneur Program

The Entrepreneur program is designed to leverage your system. Your free Markethive system is a market network, like a social network, but with powerful inbound marketing tools integrated into the system. This premier hybrid social network includes news feeds, blogging platforms, video channels, chat channels, groups, image sharing, link hubs, resume, profile page and peer to peer commerce. But more than a social network, we have also delivered to you “Inbound Marketing tools” like broadcasting, capture pages, lead funnels, autoresponders, self-replicating group tools, traffic analytics, and more. Plus, we are built on the Blockchain which allows Airdrops of 500 Markethive Coin (MHV) upon joining and micropayments for using the tools mentioned above. This is all free to you.

The Entrepreneur program is designed to add gold plating to an already stellar and unbelievably valuable system you receive for free.

The Markethive Coin — MHV Consumer Coin
Notably, MHV was listed on the first of many exchanges, including its own exchange [in development] in March in 2019 and is currently valued at $0.18. The Markethive coin will not be dependent upon speculative value as is the case with other cryptocurrencies and platforms, thereby creating eternal economic velocity in the entrepreneur ecosystem within Markethive.

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

New Crypto Regulations In The US: Are The Good Times Over?

New Crypto Regulations In The US: Are The Good Times Over?


All of us who have invested and traded in Bitcoin knew that there was no guarantee

that the good times would last forever. We’ve seen the value of the currency have ups and downs and then ups again, demonstrating its resiliency in a changing world. We’ve also seen it thrive during times when conventional markets struggle. Free of regulation and unconnected to industries and businesses that can drag a market up or down along with them, during its best months it’s been exactly what we all hoped it would be when the concept of cryptocurrency was first explained to it.

Even those who have done well out of Bitcoin would have to admit one thing if we were honest, though — we didn’t know for sure it was going to blow up like it did. Spending money on Bitcoin — especially during the last couple of years when prices have been particularly volatile — has always been akin to throwing money into a game on an online slots website and hoping for the best. Sometimes when you play online slots on websites like, you get a huge return from a very small stake. Other times, perhaps more often, the company that runs the online slots website takes all of your money, and you’re left with nothing. Based on the news that’s coming out of the United States of America, the US treasury may soon be about to start playing the part of the online slots website — and they might be calling time on placing fresh bets.

There’s no way to dress up Steven Mnuchin’s start warning any other way. He hasn’t minced his words when it comes to his opinion on cryptocurrency, and several of his contemporaries and allies feel the same. Mnuchin says that stringent new regulations are coming, and they’ll likely change the way that all of us interact with crypto, and perhaps even our freedom to do so. Neel Kashkari, the President of the Federal Reserve, is on record as calling crypto ‘a garbage dumpster,’ and so we can expect the Federal Reserve to back the new regulations to the hilt. In other words, they think we’ve all had our fun at the expense of conventional banking systems for long enough, and now it’s time for the conventional financial controls and controllers to fight back.

In a strange way, we can probably blame Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook for all of this upheaval. If his company hadn’t tried and failed to get approval from US-based authorities for the doomed pseudo-cryptocurrency Libra, the whole idea of crypto probably wouldn’t have come in for such close scrutiny in the United States of America at all. Now, even the President appears to know what it is, and he doesn’t like it. Before Libra started pursuing official channels, American authorities sort-of knew what cryptocurrency was, but they turned a blind eye to it. Now they’ve been forced to lift the veil and find out what’s there, and it turns out they don’t like it one little bit. Because of that, they’re going to make it as hard and unrewarding for Americans to invest and trade in it as possible.

Right now, the price of Bitcoin hasn’t been affected too much by the announcement of forthcoming regulations. If you know much about the way Bitcoin prices move, that might not be too big a surprise. The scheduled halving event is still expected to go ahead in May, and the currency’s value is currently dependent on that far more than it is on any other external factor. Were the halving not on the radar, it’s likely that Mnuchin’s announcement would have sent Bitcoin’s cost crashing back through the floor. Depending on what’s contained within his package of rules and sanctions, it may still do so.

Ostensibly, Mnuchin’s concerns about Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies like it) is that they’re too anonymous, and they’re too open to use by terrorists, fraudsters, and organized criminals. Money can’t be followed from one place to another, and it’s difficult to know who has what, and where they’ve got it from. To put it another way, they hate it for a lot of the same reasons that the people who trade in it like it. Even those of us who love the concept, though, mostly acknowledge that more needs to be done to ensure that crypto doesn’t become a hiding place for illegal and immoral conduct. Some regulation activity with regard to this might even be welcomed in some quarters, but it’s hard to imagine what such a regulation would look like, or how it could possibly be enforced.

While the winds of change appear to be about to bring band news on the breeze for Americans, their impact on the rest of the world might be limited. Europe, which is generally seen as more forward-thinking when it comes to future technologies than the United States of America, already has an agreed framework for how crypto may or may not be used, and the majority of users and traders are happy to abide by it. Switzerland, in particular, is known for its pro-crypto stance, and it’s very telling that Facebook has decided to switch its Libra operation to that country recently.

It’s hard to say what the final outcome of the American change in attitude to crypto is likely to be, but it appears that we’re about to see a very important test. Will tougher regulations in the USA make it harder for everyone to trade and drag cryptocurrency prices down, or will the world of crypto carry on regardless with very little in the way of change or disruption? If the former happens, we may all have to reluctantly accept that the good times are over, and we’re going to have to make the best of what we still have. If the latter happens, though, it will be a rude awakening for the US Treasury. They’ll have had confirmation that cryptocurrency is a beast that they cannot control and can barely even influence — and that will likely scare the conservatives who set the tone of policy within the organization to death. 

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Bitcoin Garden

This content is brought to you by the Bitcoin Garden staff.

Own A Piece Of Markethive — Lifetime Income Opportunity
Markethive, the first Social/Market Network built on the Blockchain, introduces The Entrepreneur Program

The Entrepreneur program is designed to leverage your system. Your free Markethive system is a market network, like a social network, but with powerful inbound marketing tools integrated into the system. This premier hybrid social network includes news feeds, blogging platforms, video channels, chat channels, groups, image sharing, link hubs, resume, profile page and peer to peer commerce. But more than a social network, we have also delivered to you “Inbound Marketing tools” like broadcasting, capture pages, lead funnels, autoresponders, self-replicating group tools, traffic analytics, and more. Plus, we are built on the Blockchain which allows Airdrops of 500 Markethive Coin (MHV) upon joining and micropayments for using the tools mentioned above. This is all free to you.

The Entrepreneur program is designed to add gold plating to an already stellar and unbelievably valuable system you receive for free.

The Markethive Coin — MHV Consumer Coin
Notably, MHV was listed on the first of many exchanges, including its own exchange [in development] in March in 2019 and is currently valued at $0.18. The Markethive coin will not be dependent upon speculative value as is the case with other cryptocurrencies and platforms, thereby creating eternal economic velocity in the entrepreneur ecosystem within Markethive.

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

US Air Force taps blockchain startup to help secure weapons data

US Air Force taps blockchain startup to help secure weapons data

US Air Force taps blockchain startup to help secure weapons data

By Robert Stevens

The US Air Force has signed a contract with blockchain data management company Fluree to more securely track and share information within the military.

The US Air Force is now working with a blockchain data management company to securely and quickly share information with other departments in the military.

Blockchain startup Fluree announced today that the US Air Force will use its decentralized database to keep track of how information enters its system, and who has access to it. This will make it easier for the Air Force to share information with other military departments—both within the US military and with its allies abroad. Fluree’s tech will also help to quickly determine the integrity of a piece of information in the database, Fluree co-CEO Brian Platz told Decrypt.

Fluree uses what it calls “smart functions” (the company’s own take on smart contracts), where code is triggered upon data changes. The smart function ensures that the person requesting the change is authorized to do so, and that the change fits the schema.

All this on the security of a decentralized ledger. “Just like you can prove an account address in Bitcoin made a transaction at some point in time, we can prove how every piece of information got into the system,” said Platz. This way, he explained, the data “has an immense amount more integrity than say a typical database where you don't really know how the data got in there and you don't know if this has any integrity.”

Platz offered an example: “Many of these countries share the same military equipment and operational equipment,” he said. For instance, F35 fighter jets are used in several different countries, and the new system could be used to securely and quickly “share operational information, maintenance information [and] parts information” with other departments. 

If there’s a critical safety issue about a piece of aircraft, and the Air Force wants to alert someone, “how do we know the origins of who's even reporting that? I mean, it could be someone with malicious intent trying to report erroneous information,” said Platz.

Fluree was founded in 2016 by Platz and co-founder Flip Filipowski, and is headquartered in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. It won the contract around Christmas, said Platz, and will work on it throughout 2020. In June, it raised $4.7 million in a seed round, led by 4490 Ventures.

The system’s versatile: previous work includes creating a blockchain database for Indian graduates to combat fraudulent degrees. Forthcoming projects include working with major hospital systems in the United States, and work with the US Department of Energy.

Own A Piece Of Markethive — Lifetime Income Opportunity
Markethive, the first Social/Market Network built on the Blockchain, introduces The Entrepreneur Program

The Entrepreneur program is designed to leverage your system. Your free Markethive system is a market network, like a social network, but with powerful inbound marketing tools integrated into the system. This premier hybrid social network includes news feeds, blogging platforms, video channels, chat channels, groups, image sharing, link hubs, resume, profile page and peer to peer commerce. But more than a social network, we have also delivered to you “Inbound Marketing tools” like broadcasting, capture pages, lead funnels, autoresponders, self-replicating group tools, traffic analytics, and more. Plus, we are built on the Blockchain which allows Airdrops of 500 Markethive Coin (MHV) upon joining and micropayments for using the tools mentioned above. This is all free to you.

The Entrepreneur program is designed to add gold plating to an already stellar and unbelievably valuable system you receive for free.

The Markethive Coin — MHV Consumer Coin
Notably, MHV was listed on the first of many exchanges, including its own exchange [in development] in March in 2019 and is currently valued at $0.18. The Markethive coin will not be dependent upon speculative value as is the case with other cryptocurrencies and platforms, thereby creating eternal economic velocity in the entrepreneur ecosystem within Markethive.

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

Australia rolls out plans for a 175 billion blockchain sector

Australia rolls out plans for a $175 billion blockchain sector

Australia rolls out plans for a $175 billion blockchain sector

By Will Heasman

Australia’s finalized national blockchain strategy will overhaul the country’s infrastructure, expecting to produce a blockchain sector worth $175 billion.

Australia is gunning to become a global leader in blockchain technology, with the unveiling of its new national blockchain strategy and roadmap. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the roadmap will overhaul the country's banking, export, and education infrastructure—producing a sector worth $175 billion (AUD 259.4 billion).

It's been almost a year in the making, but Australia's plans for blockchain inclusion are underway, with an initial focus on the county's booming export industry. According to Karen Andrews, minister for industry, science, and technology, blockchain's capacity to transform supply chain management will help "strengthen export opportunities."

"I think what's really exciting is the potential for blockchain to strengthen export opportunities, helping Aussie producers and manufacturers track their goods, which are in demand around the world because of our clean, green reputation,"  Andrews said.

She also highlighted that the blockchain roadmap could wind up fetching the sector a cool $175 billion (AUD 259.4 billion); however, as of yet, no government funds have been allocated to execute the plan.


Wine, banking and investment in blockchain

A particular focus for the blockchain roadmap is the country's wine exports, a sector worth $1.9 billion (AUD 2.91 billion) last year. One strategy highlighted in the roadmap involves compiling a "detailed economic analysis" of the wine export industry via blockchain tech.

The roadmap also nods to blockchain's ability to streamline the banking process—particularly when it comes to Know-Your-Customer (KYC) checks. "As the use of blockchain in financial technology develops beyond cryptocurrencies, it presents opportunities to enhance consumer outcomes in retail banking, including through facilitating the KYC process," it reads.

Australia's startups can also breathe a sigh of relief. The latter half of the grand plan highlights the reworking of policy to be more inclusive of digital technologies.

Moreover, the roadmap details plan to work with Austrade—the Australian Government's trade, investment, and education promotion agency. Austrade will reportedly create a development program for Aussie startups, facilitating a blockchain-focused "inbound investment program" to entice potential investors.

Article produced by Will Heasman

Own A Piece Of Markethive — Lifetime Income Opportunity
Markethive, the first Social/Market Network built on the Blockchain, introduces The Entrepreneur Program

The Entrepreneur program is designed to leverage your system. Your free Markethive system is a market network, like a social network, but with powerful inbound marketing tools integrated into the system. This premier hybrid social network includes news feeds, blogging platforms, video channels, chat channels, groups, image sharing, link hubs, resume, profile page and peer to peer commerce. But more than a social network, we have also delivered to you “Inbound Marketing tools” like broadcasting, capture pages, lead funnels, autoresponders, self-replicating group tools, traffic analytics, and more. Plus, we are built on the Blockchain which allows Airdrops of 500 Markethive Coin (MHV) upon joining and micropayments for using the tools mentioned above. This is all free to you.

The Entrepreneur program is designed to add gold plating to an already stellar and unbelievably valuable system you receive for free.

The Markethive Coin — MHV Consumer Coin
Notably, MHV was listed on the first of many exchanges, including its own exchange [in development] in March in 2019 and is currently valued at $0.18. The Markethive coin will not be dependent upon speculative value as is the case with other cryptocurrencies and platforms, thereby creating eternal economic velocity in the entrepreneur ecosystem within Markethive.

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

Blockchain Is Now the Most In-Demand Skill on the Planet: LinkedIn

Blockchain Is Now the Most In-Demand Skill on the Planet: LinkedIn

Blockchain Is Now the Most In-Demand Skill on the Planet: LinkedIn

By Daily Hodl

A new report from the social network giant LinkedIn says blockchain professionals are in demand in 2020.

The report places blockchain at the top of a list of “hard skills” that are highly sought after — above expertise in cloud computing, analytical reasoning, artificial intelligence, user experience design, business analysis and affiliate marketing.

“Blockchain was born in 2009 to support the use of cryptocurrency.

But blockchain’s novel way to store, validate, authorize, and move data across the internet has evolved to securely store and send any digital asset. The small supply of professionals who have this skill are in high demand.” 

A recent study from Indeed found that the number of jobs in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry increased 26% from 2018 through 2019.

Although the report says employer demand has “skyrocketed,” it also shows searches for Bitcoin, blockchain and cryptocurrency roles fell 53% in the same time frame.

“Employers, however, are doubling down on these tamper-proof blockchain technologies, which means there’s likely lots of opportunities for job seekers with these skills or interested in this industry.”

According to the study, the top job openings in the world of blockchain are for software engineers, senior software engineers, software architects, full-stack developers and front end developers.

Artice produced by Daily Hodl

Own A Piece Of Markethive — Lifetime Income Opportunity
Markethive, the first Social/Market Network built on the Blockchain, introduces The Entrepreneur Program

The Entrepreneur program is designed to leverage your system. Your free Markethive system is a market network, like a social network, but with powerful inbound marketing tools integrated into the system. This premier hybrid social network includes news feeds, blogging platforms, video channels, chat channels, groups, image sharing, link hubs, resume, profile page and peer to peer commerce. But more than a social network, we have also delivered to you “Inbound Marketing tools” like broadcasting, capture pages, lead funnels, autoresponders, self-replicating group tools, traffic analytics, and more. Plus, we are built on the Blockchain which allows Airdrops of 500 Markethive Coin (MHV) upon joining and micropayments for using the tools mentioned above. This is all free to you.

The Entrepreneur program is designed to add gold plating to an already stellar and unbelievably valuable system you receive for free.

The Markethive Coin — MHV Consumer Coin
Notably, MHV was listed on the first of many exchanges, including its own exchange [in development] in March in 2019 and is currently valued at $0.18. The Markethive coin will not be dependent upon speculative value as is the case with other cryptocurrencies and platforms, thereby creating eternal economic velocity in the entrepreneur ecosystem within Markethive.

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

KANYE WEST — From ProducerRapper To Christian InnovatorEntrepreneur

KANYE WEST — From Producer/Rapper To Christian Innovator/Entrepreneur

Kanye West is full of contradictions.  He’s arrogant but self-deprecating. Remarkably rude but also sensitive. His style of hip hop and messages in his music along with his unique persona have made him the most important rap star of the 2000s who had a way to bring mainstream to him rather the other way round. 

The celebrity muso and entrepreneur had a huge impact in early September 2019, when he purchased a 3,200-acre property which is part of Monster Lake Ranch in Cody, Wyoming, now known as West Ranch. He also purchased numerous commercial properties on Cody’s Big Horn Avenue, and a second ranch in the Big Horn Mountains just outside of Shell. 


Working Only For God

In an in-depth interview, at his home in Cody, Wyoming West spoke of his enlightenment and says his addiction to alcohol made him do some crazy things. Now plagued with the stigma of being crazy by some, he himself admits he is cocky and confident that comes across as arrogance, and now says he will only use these traits working for God. All his trials and tribulations have set him on his more committed path to follow Jesus and give service to God. 

Along with his wholehearted commitment to God, West released his first Gospel Album “Jesus Is King”, it was a logical extension to embracing his Christian faith and his new mission. He is also passionate about his Sunday Service, attending every single one accompanied by The Samples, the choir who brings heavenly harmonies with celestial and united praise. 

An estimated 3,800 people attended Kanye West's "Sunday Service" on the grounds of the Buffalo Bill Center of the West on Sunday, Nov. 22. 
Courtesy Levi Meyer, Buffalo Bill Center of the West


Although Kanye never shied away from bringing religious topics into his art, Sunday Service is a new emergence. Bringing together his love of music, fashion, and Jesus Christ, Sunday Service is hand-crafted for the social media age and comes to define this new era of Kanye West attracting crowds of new followers embracing the faith along with other celebrities taking part in the worship.  

Apart from the Gospel albums of original music, recently released, Kanye and the Choir cover contemporary hits from artists, rewriting some of the lyrics accordingly praising God and received heartfelt acclaim from the artists themselves. The video below showcases just some of those songs. 

The Best Samples From Kanye West's 'Sunday Service' | Genius News




Everything Kanye West does now is in service to God. As West explains, he goes to bed each night clearing his head and wakes up in the morning an empty vessel and lets God do the driving. He says it’s now his job to spread the word about Christ. 

“I told you all about what fashion did for me, I told you what Hennessey had done for me, now I’m telling you all about what Jesus has done for me.” 

Kanye knows he is not a religious leader or theologian, he admits he has a lot to learn. He is self-aware and knows he will experience spiritual warfare, however as Kanye stipulates he is about lighting up the world. He is about being a beacon and have others experience joy and imagination. It’s not about entertainment, it’s more about imagination. 

“Witness the imagination and feel good. Know that things are possible. That’s my job and that’s what I am on this earth to do. I ain’t trying to say the right answer, I’m just doing what I feel… trying is failing. There’s no ifs, woulds, coulds or shoulds. It just is and we just are.”

West goes on to say when he talks it’s like a dog whistle. The people that need to hear it, hear it. The people that don’t hear it are afraid to hear it or they don’t believe anything can happen. Many who have not experienced a church like gathering or aware of the gospel are enjoying the realness and relaxed atmosphere West has orchestrated with Sunday Service. Kanye believes this is great for Christian creativity and now that he’s on his new path, this will start a revolution in the creative world of the young people of this generation and the next. West says,

“Christian creativity has been so bland for so long. This will be a cultural wrecking ball. The church is too traditional. God doesn’t just exist in the four walls of a church. God is in everything and is everywhere. ”


Kanye West participating in worship at Sunday Service in Cody, Wyoming. Courtesy, Braeden Roesler


New home For Yeezy Apparel Manufacturing

The influence of rapper/Christian innovator Kanye West continues to grow. Since purchasing the properties in Wyoming, the Christian Innovator has taken steps to build a large meditation center in Cody, however, the permitting process was stopped and is under review by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department to determine whether the meditation center would disturb the sage grouse habitat and mule deer migration corridors. 

West also announced that he was moving the headquarters of Adidas Yeezy, his multibillion-dollar shoe and apparel business to Cody. He and partners began preparations for a manufacturing facility, a “sample/prototype lab”, at the former Cody Laboratories warehouse. Meanwhile, Adidas started advertising for jobs based in Cody. 

James Klessens, The CEO for Forward Cody speaks favorably in anticipation of West’s upcoming plans for Cody and the future of Yeezy Manufacturing and interest in sustainable housing and building practices which is another feather in West’s cap as he pursues the idea of eco-friendly Domes, dubbed Star Wars-inspired housing.

He said he plans to move the industry forward on sustainability, starting with hydroponic, cotton, wheat and hemp farming in Cody, along with searching for ways to make the dyeing process less harmful to the environment. The climate and soil are good for hydroponics, along with developing their own fabric from seed to sew, farm to table which offers full sustainability and be able to see the whole process.  

“Our color is a big signature of the brand, but also dyeing is one of the main things that’s impacting the planet and the fashion industry, so just being responsible from A to Z,” West said.


“We Don’t Hope, We Just Do” 

At a seminar held in November of 2019 at the annual Fast Company Innovation Festival in NYC, West revealed that Yeezy plans to create factories in which he wants to hire “second-chance people” who’ve gone through the prison system. He plans to make his manufacturing entirely eco-friendly, moving it all to South and North America in the next two years, including at his 4,000-acre ranch in Cody. So essentially moving manufacturing from overseas to America in order to create jobs. 

Steven Smith, the lead designer of West’s shoe brand Yeezy, said West is not “blowing smoke” about making shoes from beginning to end in the United States. Smith displayed a prototype made in Atlanta the day before the seminar, using in part, algae harvested from ponds. Read more about the eco-friendly process here 

“We’re going to bring jobs back here. We’re going to make Yeezys in America. This is a revolution,” Smith said. “Eco-concerns are intersecting with what we do. This is just the beginning of the future that Kanye envisioned for us to start working on.”

West added: “We took the word ‘try’ out of it and we just ‘do,’ like Yoda says.” 


President Kanye? 

He went on to say, in spite of the chuckles from the audience, 

“When I run for president in 2024, we would have created so many jobs that I’m not going to run, I’m going to walk.”

West first made headlines about running for President in 2015 when he made a cryptic announcement during the MTV VMAs.During an awards acceptance speech, West said, 

"As of this moment, I have decided that I will be running for president in 2020. … We're going to teach our kids to believe in themselves. I don't know what I'm going to lose after this. It don't matter, though. It ain't about me. It's about ideas. People with ideas. People who believe in truth."

Being an avid supporter of Donald Trump, West decided to step back when Trump took office in 2016. Kanye West has come along way since then and still holds dear to his same plans in 2024. 

Kanye West’s vision is to work only for God and the good it can bring humanity. He says we need humility in humanity and everything he does and continues to do will be for his spiritual church. As his brand is an expression of how he feels even the design of his shoes will be aligned with names of verses from the Bible. 


Sunday Service Is Proof That The Lord Works In Mysterious Ways

The Sunday Services have been held in many locations across the U.S. Although these are a full-blown Kanye West production you can find him not in the spotlight but in amongst the people and choir, singing and giving praise. These people are all here to give praise and sing their hearts out, using all of their talents. This is a very different atmosphere to a traditional church gathering. 

The look, the sound, the tone was undeniably Kanye West’s vision and creation, and yet for most of the performance, he was as much as an observer as the audience was, only singing or rapping for a small percentage of the service. 

The Lord works in mysterious ways and the Kanye West Sunday Services had many worshippers thinking, why do we feel so good? Is that the spirit? Is this holy? Of course, it is. 

West brought his gospel choir and band to the masses in South L.A. and delivered an unforgettable performance that deserves an Amen. In the video below, listen to the amazing introduction of the service as choir director, Jason White raised his hands and the choir sang loudly and fervently to the tune of Carl Orff’s “O Fortuna”, the very powerful choral piece from Carmina Burana. West had rewritten the 85-year-old classic so instead of the singers belting out the original lyrics which are…

O Fortuna
velut luna
statu variabilis

they sang…

“Jesus is King!
The King of Kings!
Our God, give praise forever!”

Later in this service, Kenny G appeared along with rap artist, Clipse, performing the song “Use This Gospel”  surprising and delighting the already overwhelmed crowd. 

The music, vocals, and choreography were positively inspirational and are destined to spread the word. The performance, lighting, sound, and spirit makes his newer material, “Jesus Is King” album a very powerful and unique live experience. These Sunday Services are perfect for relaying the Gospel and humanitarian truths in an unorthodox setting, as more newfound followers gather in united praise bringing peace, joy and spiritual enlightenment to the masses. 

Jesus is King. Kanye is just his "hype man".


Own A Piece Of Markethive — Lifetime Income Opportunity
Markethive, the first Social/Market Network built on the Blockchain, introduces The Entrepreneur Program

The Entrepreneur program is designed to leverage your system. Your free Markethive system is a market network, like a social network, but with powerful inbound marketing tools integrated into the system. This premier hybrid social network includes news feeds, blogging platforms, video channels, chat channels, groups, image sharing, link hubs, resume, profile page and peer to peer commerce. But more than a social network, we have also delivered to you “Inbound Marketing tools” like broadcasting, capture pages, lead funnels, autoresponders, self-replicating group tools, traffic analytics, and more. Plus, we are built on the Blockchain which allows Airdrops of 500 Markethive Coin (MHV) upon joining and micropayments for using the tools mentioned above. This is all free to you.

The Entrepreneur program is designed to add gold plating to an already stellar and unbelievably valuable system you receive for free.

The Markethive Coin — MHV Consumer Coin
Notably, MHV was listed on the first of many exchanges, including its own exchange [in development] in March in 2019 and is currently valued at $0.18. The Markethive coin will not be dependent upon speculative value as is the case with other cryptocurrencies and platforms, thereby creating eternal economic velocity in the entrepreneur ecosystem within Markethive.

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The Surprising Way Millions Are Being Introduced To Bitcoin

The Surprising Way Millions Are Being Introduced To Bitcoin


Young people are far more interested in bitcoin and cryptocurrencies than anyone else—and where are the young people today?  Contibutor Billy Bambrough.

On short-form video-sharing app TikTok, where Square's Cash App, which made around $150 million in bitcoin revenue in its last quarter, is going viral—and introducing millions to bitcoin and crypto.

In December last year, mobile payments company Square launched an influencer marketing campaign on TikTok, according to a report by news and analysis website Business Insider, paying some of TikTok's biggest stars to promote its Cash App.

Square, run by Twitter chief executive and bitcoin supporter Jack Dorsey, worked with musician and influencer Shiggy who had earlier created a song called Cash App, racking up 136.5 million video views with the hashtag #cashappthatmoney.

Cash App, which saw its first-time bitcoin buyers double following an app redesign in September, is one of the most popular mobile payments apps in the U.S.—currently the second most popular finance app on the Apple App Store.

Sluggish bitcoin adoption, which has failed to live up to expectations in the aftermath of bitcoin's epic 2017 bull run, is often attributed to technologically-complex exchanges and apps putting off potential new users.

However, research has suggested many people who haven't yet bought bitcoin would be interested in doing so.

Late last year, it was found Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, a publicly tradable bitcoin investment vehicle, is among the top five equity holdings for Millennials, next to technology giants Amazon, Apple, Tesla and Facebook—and ahead of investor darlings Netflix and Microsoft.

Meanwhile, companies like Square and major technology giants including Facebook and Samsung are developing products and services that will ease the route to bitcoin-buying.

Last month, Dorsey vowed to help bitcoin development through his payments company, Square—which said it's "only a matter of time until instant, low-fee bitcoin payments are as common as cash used to be."

"For bitcoin to become a widely used global currency—one that can’t be stopped, tampered with, or rigged in anyone’s favor—improvements to bitcoin’s [user experience], security, privacy, and scaling are required," Square's cryptocurrency division wrote in a blog post.

Own A Piece Of Markethive — Lifetime Income Opportunity
Markethive, the first Social/Market Network built on the Blockchain, introduces The Entrepreneur Program

The Entrepreneur program is designed to leverage your system. Your free Markethive system is a market network, like a social network, but with powerful inbound marketing tools integrated into the system. This premier hybrid social network includes news feeds, blogging platforms, video channels, chat channels, groups, image sharing, link hubs, resume, profile page and peer to peer commerce. But more than a social network, we have also delivered to you “Inbound Marketing tools” like broadcasting, capture pages, lead funnels, autoresponders, self-replicating group tools, traffic analytics, and more. Plus, we are built on the Blockchain which allows Airdrops of 500 Markethive Coin (MHV) upon joining and micropayments for using the tools mentioned above. This is all free to you.

The Entrepreneur program is designed to add gold plating to an already stellar and unbelievably valuable system you receive for free.

The Markethive Coin — MHV Consumer Coin
Notably, MHV was listed on the first of many exchanges, including its own exchange [in development] in March in 2019 and is currently valued at $0.18. The Markethive coin will not be dependent upon speculative value as is the case with other cryptocurrencies and platforms, thereby creating eternal economic velocity in the entrepreneur ecosystem within Markethive.

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join




Messaging On Blockchain Coming To Markethive

Messaging On Blockchain
Coming To Markethive 

Messaging doesn’t just refer to messaging apps. Digital communication accommodates endless formats and necessitates complex support systems to be able to maintain security and service durability and continuity. It is difficult to achieve across the board because of a lack of standard security. With Blockchain Technology now coming to the fore some new companies are integrating the blockchain to build a better communication infrastructure. This will create a secure ecosystem for messaging services.

What Is Blockchain In Simple Terms?

The blockchain is a decentralized ledger of transactions recorded using cryptography. The entries or blocks are then distributed across many computers running on nodes in a P2P environment making it impossible to alter the information later.

Blockchain was designed to be used mainly in the financial sector of digital cryptocurrency. It has since then evolved to record anything of value, create self-executing smart contracts, and build decentralized apps (DApps) like chat messengers.

Why not use Discord, Messenger or WhatsApp? Because these apps are still centralized and owned by a single entity who may choose to do what they deem fit. This creates trust issues. Decentralization is the road ahead.

The Benefits Of Blockchain

Blockchain offers many advantages over traditional systems. First is immutability. Once something gets recorded, it is almost impossible to change it because a decentralized database of computers and blocks are involved.

Because information blocks are shared and stored across a network of nodes run by people, no single person or entity has complete control over it. This reduces the risk of one person or entity manipulating the records without others knowing about it.

It also eliminates the risk of a single point of failure. If all your data is stored in a single system and the system fails, you lose everything. A distributed ledger eliminates this risk. Each encrypted entry is visible for everyone to assess, bringing transparency and accountability to the system.

Finally, the new generation chat apps are also integrating cryptocurrency wallets into their offering. This allows users to send and receive money, just like messages, only freely or with minimal transaction and processing fees.

A new era of Blockchain-based chat messenger apps that offer features like security, privacy, and P2P currency is here.

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Markethive Messaging App

Messaging is an integral part of the Markethive interface. Both integrated via your Wallet App and also part of the dashboard both reflecting on each other. Several features set the Markethive messaging apart.  There are Directories, that being the ability to create directories for organizing chats according to your agendas, ideas, groups, news, etc. It also gives you the ability to pin group discussions in accordance with priority. All app messaging is encrypted and runs on the blockchain assuring total privacy and security.


Markethive Chat Box 

The Chat Box is a variety version of Twitter however, it allows viewing of the entire social sphere with many filters to only view specific members, or groups, countries, terms, keywords or time periods, built to give each member a cultural pulse of the entire system as an option, also developed to act as a mentor thread as only Entrepreneur upgrades can post. All can view and comment. 

Nicknamed the Trollbox, it is essentially a real-time “Markethive” educational/informational consensus network by which “Trolls” (Entrepreneurs) can be both the teacher, journalist, pundit and student all at once, while interacting with others, including free members, in real-time by chat and/or posts. 

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Markethive’s Focus 

We are focused on providing a Universal type of income for aspiring entrepreneurs. We believe sharing our resources with you as you build your business and seek to reach your goals, benefits all of us. 

We welcome all to our collaborative world of the Entrepreneur, the Markethive, built for you, by you and with you.


ecosystem for entrepreneurs


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Deb Williams
Market Manager & Senior Writer for Markethive, a global Market Network, and an avid enthusiast for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 



We are not in competition with Facebook or LinkedIn, but it already surpasses what they offer us, which makes us completely unique in the world of Social Media. In fact, we are not a Social Media, We are a Market Media, with Social aspects. 

We Are the Next Generation




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Why Do Projects Airdrop Their Tokens For Free?

Airdrops raise awareness, even Paypal (pre blockchain) discovered the awareness effect, and goodwill giving away $20 to sign up and verify your account back in the early 2000s. Paypal is now a household word and $50 billion company.

This awareness has a tendency to increase the token value as well as create a network effect. IE: A network effect (also called network externality or demand-side economies of scale) is the positive effect described in economics and business that an additional user of a good or service has on the value of that product to others.


Are Airdrops Effective Marketing Tools?

TheUOmiseGo conducted the first airdrop of this kind and amplitude on September 4th, 2017 — distributing 5% of the total issuance of OMG token to every ETH address, with a minimum balance of 0.1 ETH. The airdrop enabled each ETH holder, by providing them with a share of the 5%, proportional to their share of the total circulating supply of Ether.

The aim of the airdrop was to allow the token to be distributed as widely as possible, allowing for true decentralization of the platform, to ultimately increase its network security.

On the chart below from Google Trends, you can see that a surge in search interest related to OmiseGo occurred during the days of the airdrop, reaching a peak close to the end of 2017, and dropping to a tenth of the search interest in June 2018. Most websites such as CoinDesk, CoinTelegraph, and much of the Twittersphere spoke about the airdrop, leading to many people wondering what the project was about, and increasing OMG brand awareness.

There are numerous examples of Companies giving away their tokens, some more successful than others during their Airdrops, so in summary, it is strongly evident the additional benefits awareness causes trading and coin demand increase drives coin prices up.


What are Infinity Airdrops?

Inspired by the Paypal Hack, the Dropbox Campaign, then Crypto based Airdrops by OMG, EOS and TRON, amazing successes, effective yet short events; Markethive in the spirit of the Bitcoin Faucet and Universal Income is delivering the Infinity Airdrop. Simply join Markethive and receive coin, an offer with no end. 


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What are Faucets?

I assume most people know what a faucet is, but I am wrong in that assumption. It is a relatively new phenomenon, in that by simply visiting a website, entering in your Bitcoin wallet address, and solving a simple captcha challenge you can get paid free Bitcoin. Case in point: 

Imagine a faucet giving away 5BTC! That’s what Gavin Andresen’s faucet was paying back in June of 2010. It was his first bitcoin-related coding project and he started it off with 1,100btc. At today’s prices, that’s close to $7 Million. Your claim of 5btc would be worth almost $32,000!

The concept created a huge, subculture phenomenon; with literally 1000s of sites operating like survey sites to get free Bitcoin. Unfortunately, the process today is anti-productive and only the most stalwart contenders are able to keep to the tasks due to the oppressive popup ads, viruses, browser hijackings, etc. The concept is intriguing and we believe the promise is solid, just waiting for a system to do this right.


Airdrops, Faucets and Universal Income

There is something there, blockchain, crypto, anti-inflationary coins, faucets and airdrops, and Universal Income. Conventional Wisdom seems to think by heavily taxing the elite and profitable business interests, the masses can be given a sustainable income to survive. We do not agree. It is nothing more than a repackaged attempt at communism, stealing from the rich by the middleman, and giving to the poor, creating an entitlement culture, and a rich and powerful middleman (after all they will become more equal than you) bureaucracy and autocrats running the show. There is the absence of any motivation for the recipient of their allotted Universal Income (thereby destroying self-esteem) and the whole idea supports tyranny in every way.

We offer an alternative Universal Income. Get paid to support the entrepreneurial culture by simply working at building your dream within the ecosystem of Markethive. To attract the masses of entrepreneurs, we launch and operate the Airdrop. The never-ending Airdrop.

Markethive has set goals to build out portfolios of Coin Exchanges (like Bittrex and Cryptopia), News Sites (Like Cointelegraph and News.Bitcoin), Web building systems (like Wix and Volusion), Green House hybrid mining systems, and an ongoing strategy to build “money machines” to contribute to the sustainability of the Markethive Universal Income for Entrepreneurs.


The Billion Coin Drop

Markethive’s vision is to deliver Entrepreneurs a Universal Income in an Ecocenter environment designed to accelerate success as well as return huge profits to the founders who financed the initial stages of the platform.

By The Numbers
First Airdrop will utilize 1 Billion Coins

500 coins will be transferred to every new subscriber to Markethive upon completion of the registration process. An additional 100% matching bonus will be awarded to (either) the qualifying referrer, or in a rotational share assigned to a qualifying member in the CAP (*Customer Acquisition Program) Thus 1000 coins will be used for every new subscriber, thereby producing 1 million new Markethive subscribers.

To qualify for the matching bonus, the *CAP, and other benefits, the subscriber must upgrade to the Entrepreneur level at $100 per month. The benefits of this upgrade far outweigh the monthly costs.

The Entrepreneur upgrade is explained in detail further down.

In scores of focus groups when the participants understand the benefits with the Entrepreneur upgrade we consistently get 100% of the participants agreeing they would enthusiastically upgrade to Entrepreneur.  

No other system out there has the advantage to do this. We are well branded. Markethive perfectly brands and illustrates exactly what we are. A Market Network, a name easily remembered, a name that has been trademarked in the US and internationally in as many classes possible, ensuring command over the usage of the name. We have also taken control of 95% of all TLD domains. We also control the name as a username on every Social Network that matters.

Trademark proof:

Markethive has been operational in BETA with over 5000 subscribers for nearly 4 years. Our entire system is run on our copyrighted code. It is a proven system and continually improves. We have just recently executed a major Upgrade with more upgrades to come as we move closer to our end goal. We are just a breath away to our 1st Infinity Airdrop, so we are gearing up to invite more People to come on board and take advantage of this Ground Floor Opportunity of being a Shareholder in what is the Godzilla and a unique Network Marketing Media that’s dwarfs all others that try to emulate it. 

Appendix of options and requirements:
– Mention 3 referrers activate the Micro Payment system

Markethive is in the process of converting to the blockchain to increase security, ensure privacy and establish digital currency viability. Blockchain conversion gives us our own coin to conduct internal commerce but also trade and commerce outside globally.

Having our own viable coin, allows us to activate a micro Payment system, to reward active members, with a real Universal Income with Markethive tradeable coin. Our system is already a viable, community economy. 

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The Markethive Free Platform

Everything (Airdrop, Inbound Marketing, Social Networks, Blogging Platform, Broadcasting, Groups, Campaigns, Capture Pages, Conference Rooms, earning free coins, Messaging, Wallets, etc.) in Markethive is free. You can even be rewarded for referring your friends and traffic to sign up via the Infinity Airdrop. Markethive has a Micro Payment reward system where you can earn income by simply using the tools of the system. To activate it, you simply refer 3 people to sign up via your profile page.


The Entrepreneur Upgrade 

100% Matching Referrals

Earn 100% Matching Bonus on all signups referred through your profile page. This can be as much as 500 coins, traffic 1000 people to register through your profile page and earn up to 500,000 coins. (Steem a social networked blog blockchain platform only, coins are trading at $1.30 and earlier this year had reached over $6 per coin. We expect Markethive coin to eclipse Steem once Markethive gets rolling).


Build Quality level Leads

Facebook makes friends, LinkedIn makes connections, and Twitter makes contacts. None of these give you additional social accounts, verified phone number, full name, IP, agreement to connect, etc. Markethive’s Entrepreneur program acquires this for you and calls them Associates, superior lead development within a nurturing program.


Company Ad Co-op

Buying customers is a relatively new concept. Trivita does this for its distributors. Buy a marketing share and receive 1 customer. They charge between $60 to $150 per customer. It is a sound concept and helps to grow the budget for larger advertising campaigns. The Entrepreneur upgrade is built on this concept. We take the revenue raised by the Entrepreneur Upgrade and run million dollar ad campaigns, video ads, press releases, articles, social networked reaches to drive the awareness of the Markethive Airdrop, the Markethive system, and the Markethive Universal Income.

Our Co-op sells shares, which means you could receive a lot of “customer” referral signups, not just one.


Traffic Portals

Thomas Prendergast the CEO and Founder of Markethive coined the term “Traffic Portals” back in the 90s. Traffic Portals offer something of value. A news site, a search engine is a version of a Traffic Portal. Markethive already has a portfolio of Traffic sites in the works; (A WIX like web site builder) (A news site like (A webinar service like Gotomeeting) (A freelancers peer to peer commerce type site)

Market Exchange (A crypto coin Exchange site)

CryptoPonics (A hybrid coin mining and herb greenhouse facility)

The epitome of Inbound Marketing is the Traffic Portals. They assist in generating additional traffic that converts to customers for your benefit as the Entrepreneur upgrade at Markethive.


Exclusive Banner Program

Banners appear throughout all Markethive dashboard pages, blogs, and Traffic Portals. Exposure is guaranteed. Banner advertising is exclusive to the Entrepreneur Upgrade. Banner ads may run up to 7 days. Compare to other systems banner ad programs average $100 per day per banner. Banner ad placement in the Markethive system is unlimited.

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Shadow Share ILP (ICO) incentive

As an Entrepreneur Upgrade, you also get your own replicated IO site. An IO site is the web page we use to raise crowdfunding. Most blockchain start-ups, like TRON, EOS, OMG, etc. utilize a similar type of page for their ICO (Initial Coin Offering)

Having your own replicated site will tag all crowdfunding applicants to you.  Any ILP that is processed will earn you an equal shadow version of that ILP. The only difference a shadow ILP is to an active ILP is the shadow is not actively sharing profit until the crowdfunding campaign is completed. Then the shadow ILPs become active for the same terms the ILPs have.

This can be a significant opportunity to build an investment that has the potential to return significant revenue over the years of the terms of the ILP.




Click the image above to view the video of the complete Markethive Privacy Bill Of Rights

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CEO and Founder — Markethive
Thomas Prendergast

Cryptocurrency adoption is key to financial inclusion

Cryptocurrency adoption is key to financial inclusion "CoinDCX CEO"

Providing financial inclusion for all is Markethive’s main objective.

The answer is Markethive’s blockchain technologies, and integrated entrepreneurial ecosystem.

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In a recent article for Nasdaq, Sumit Gupta, CEO of CoinDCX, one of India’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, wrote about how cryptocurrencies could hold the keys to financial inclusion. In the article, Gupta cited the World Bank’s most recent Global Findex report which stated that as many as 1.7 billion people worldwide do not have access to formal financial services. However, Gupta noted that two-thirds of unbanked individuals have access to a mobile phone.

The CoinDCX CEO argued that in such a “highly globalized, technology-driven world,” one with 5.11 billion unique mobile phone users and 4.39 billion Internet users last year, “cryptocurrencies could be the answer to ensuring greater financial inclusion and opportunities for all.”

According to Gupta, the vast majority of the unbanked live in poverty-stricken areas with emerging economies. This dual-threat of poverty and economic hardship makes the barrier to entry for traditional financial services too high for low-income individuals and traveling to physical bank offices can prove “inconvenient and costly for those living in rural areas,” he said. Gupta added,

Gupta also spoke of how there are no costs for holding or managing cryptocurrencies which, unlike banks, don’t require a lengthy approval process to get hold of. Further, he claimed that adopting cryptocurrencies can be advantageous to countries where volatility and non-existent financial infrastructure is the norm. Venezuela is one such example, a country where Bitcoin and Dash usage has spiked in an attempt to combat the devaluation of the local fiat currency.

“For these Venezuelan citizens, cryptocurrencies are not just a means for protecting their wealth, but also an alternative medium for conducting everyday transactions.”

Sumit Gupta also said that an inclusive financial system could inadvertently boost socio-economic growth, lifting communities out of poverty. Additionally, he also said that if cryptocurrencies are to have the desired impact in bringing the unbanked into the financial ecosystem, promoting mainstream adoption and a coordinated approach between global regulators and policymakers will be key.

Gupta also spoke of how there are no costs for holding or managing cryptocurrencies which, unlike banks, don’t require a lengthy approval process to get hold of. Further, he claimed that adopting cryptocurrencies can be advantageous to countries where volatility and non-existent financial infrastructure is the norm. Venezuela is one such example, a country where Bitcoin and Dash usage has spiked in an attempt to combat the devaluation of the local fiat currency.

“For these Venezuelan citizens, cryptocurrencies are not just a means for protecting their wealth, but also an alternative medium for conducting everyday transactions.”

Sumit Gupta also said that an inclusive financial system could inadvertently boost socio-economic growth, lifting communities out of poverty. Additionally, he also said that if cryptocurrencies are to have the desired impact in bringing the unbanked into the financial ecosystem, promoting mainstream adoption and a coordinated approach between global regulators and policymakers will be key.

Sumit Gupta also said that an inclusive financial system could inadvertently boost socio-economic growth, lifting communities out of poverty. Additionally, he also said that if cryptocurrencies are to have the desired impact in bringing the unbanked into the financial ecosystem, promoting mainstream adoption and a coordinated approach between global regulators and policymakers will be key.

“Smart regulation is crucial to ensuring a secure and equitable system in which cryptocurrency holdings are protected, without hindering the potential of the technology.”

Markethive is leading this revolution and has the very real potential to be on par as the top utility coin with Bitcoin being the top FinTech coin.

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Thomas Prendergast