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Best Internet Marketing Solutions Without Overspending

do not overspendBest Internet Marketing Solutions Without Overspending

The Internet has made this world an open enterprise. It has become important for companies to further expand their market and their consumer targets. Engaging to Internet Marketing maybe a risk for people who wish to be involved with this type of business.

Ensure that most of your target consumers will surely acquire your product. Consider the best products which will definitely capture their interests and needs. This means that you need to identify specifically who these people are, their location and financial level in the society. Have a marketing knowledge and skill to achieve your goal in the field of Internet marketing.

At the present, you can use varied Internet Marketing Solutions that is being offered by companies which can be your tool for support to your consumers. This solution maybe email marketing, search engine optimization or creating web pages or sites. Since you need to maximize your return profit, you need to choose Internet Marketing Solutions that will help you achieve this. These marketing techniques will not cost much since they are very self-explanatory, thus, learned easily.

Email marketing is a common Internet marketing Solution.

This is a cost effective way of communicating and interacting to your consumers, driving them to visit your website and check out your products. It may be in a way of marketing articles, leading them to forums or newsletters. A newsletter has an advantage of expanding your consumers as more and more sign up on it until you can have a bulk list of emails.

Another great Internet marketing solution is through websites. This is a good promotion strategy to employ since you can display all the necessary information for your target consumers. The website should capture their interest and be complete since every transaction, from inquiry to payments may take place. All correspondence that will be done online must be well-facilitated by the features of your website.

Another Internet marketing solution is search engine optimization. This is a type of service for your website that you can make use of in order to raise the number of visitors to your site. Once a consumer uses a search engine, your website will rank high in the list of searches which in return will increase your site's traffic.

Considering these Internet Marketing Solution, there are different companies offering software products containing one or all of these solutions. It would be a great opportunity to try one of these which will match your financial capability and expected return profit.

A very efficient method to advertise your professional services, the products you are selling or simply to help you find a better job is writing targeted articles.

These articles that enclose at the end a short presentation of you or your business can be about various solution to actual problems, about everyday life ect. There are many sites to which you can submit these articles to, or if you have a database of your customers’ emails, just drop them an email containing the article and a link to your personal site or professional site.

The articles can generally be copied from one article submission site to the other as long as the content belongs to you and you are not stealing someone else’s work. The only condition is that they must keep their original form, no altering, along with your presentation. This means actually more visibly and it is exactly what you need.

The more interesting the article is, the more people will read and remember it. Even if you don’t have experience with writing, there are some aspects that can make you try it:

  • Writing a technical article puts order in your ideas. You will have to coherent and state clear ideas and proper explanations.
  • It will make you improve the way you speak.
  • It will bring you visibility.
  • If it’s written well it will surely help someone.
  • You can prove your knowledge in your professional areas this way.
  • Publishing articles means they have to contains mostly useful information and just a little bit of advertising. If they don’t follow this rule, you might end up with an un-publishable article, which you can only put on your homepage.

There are other things you could do with articles if you are willing to spend some money. There are different publicity sites, ranked high in search engines that for a fee will publish your article on their site for a limited period of time. The fee is not high usually, and you get much more visibility this way.

But if this choice is the one that appeals to you the most, you must make sure the article is really good, so good that it can compete with all the other articles on that site. The user can see them all at the same time and you must think of ways to make him choose to read yours. If you have tried and you are not confident you can do it on your own, you can always hire a professional.

Article by:
Brian Walters SEO

Skype: tuneup_bj

Brian Walters MarketHive


Markethive Promotion

Al Zibluk

Here’s Why The GOP Wants to Stop Trump by Cancelling Elections

Republican Elite

Here’s Why The GOP Wants to Stop Trump by Cancelling Elections

The truth about the cancelled Colo. caucus

The GOP establishment sees themselves as part of the “specialized class” responsible for making political decisions because they believe the public’s “too stupid” to make decisions for themselves.

This “spectator democracy,” first described by political insider Walter Lippmann in the 1920s, reduces voters into mere spectators — not participants — in public policy managed by a tiny elite, in this case the GOP establishment.

“The compelling moral principle [behind it] is that the mass of the public are just too stupid to be able to understand things,” Noam Chomsky wrote in describing Lippmann’s views.

This is the core principle of the GOP establishment: to them, only the elite have the intellect and rationality to decide the public’s best interests.

The public at large, on the other hand, cannot manage their own affairs and therefore must be lead like cattle towards the future world envisioned by those in control.

Not considered the decision-makers, the American people are meant to be mere bystanders in society, only participating on occasion during political “elections” to decide which one of the elites will “represent” them, such as Hillary Clinton or Ted Cruz.

Populist candidates like Donald Trump are not allowed because they’re not compromised and controlled by the establishment.

The mainstream media serves the elite by fueling racial tensions, such as using straw man arguments to declare Trump “racist,” which encourages in-fighting amongst the public while the establishment gains more power without adversity.

And the media and the elite both want to keep the public locked into the false left-right paradigm which oversimplifies the public’s perception of the world so that they falsely believe that everything is simply black and white, one extreme against the other, conservative vs. liberal, red vs. blue.

While stuck in the paradigm, people are led to believe their opponents only exist on the opposite side of this two-dimensional spectrum and are completely unaware of the real power towering above.

But during this presidential race, Trump has successfully exposed the real power behind the throne — and that’s why the establishment wants to stop him.

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Al Zibluk

Here’s Why The GOP Wants to Stop Trump by Cancelling Elections

Republican Elite

Here’s Why The GOP Wants to Stop Trump by Cancelling Elections

The truth about the cancelled Colo. caucus

The GOP establishment sees themselves as part of the “specialized class” responsible for making political decisions because they believe the public’s “too stupid” to make decisions for themselves.

This “spectator democracy,” first described by political insider Walter Lippmann in the 1920s, reduces voters into mere spectators — not participants — in public policy managed by a tiny elite, in this case the GOP establishment.

“The compelling moral principle [behind it] is that the mass of the public are just too stupid to be able to understand things,” Noam Chomsky wrote in describing Lippmann’s views.

This is the core principle of the GOP establishment: to them, only the elite have the intellect and rationality to decide the public’s best interests.

The public at large, on the other hand, cannot manage their own affairs and therefore must be lead like cattle towards the future world envisioned by those in control.

Not considered the decision-makers, the American people are meant to be mere bystanders in society, only participating on occasion during political “elections” to decide which one of the elites will “represent” them, such as Hillary Clinton or Ted Cruz.

Populist candidates like Donald Trump are not allowed because they’re not compromised and controlled by the establishment.

The mainstream media serves the elite by fueling racial tensions, such as using straw man arguments to declare Trump “racist,” which encourages in-fighting amongst the public while the establishment gains more power without adversity.

And the media and the elite both want to keep the public locked into the false left-right paradigm which oversimplifies the public’s perception of the world so that they falsely believe that everything is simply black and white, one extreme against the other, conservative vs. liberal, red vs. blue.

While stuck in the paradigm, people are led to believe their opponents only exist on the opposite side of this two-dimensional spectrum and are completely unaware of the real power towering above.

But during this presidential race, Trump has successfully exposed the real power behind the throne — and that’s why the establishment wants to stop him.

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Al Zibluk

It is all about Integrity

Facebook Image

Integrity often touted and claimed, rarely do many people really have a deep understanding how deep it goes and how important it really is in every aspect of our lives. Integrity is something you build, it builds in the fires of adversity, it reveals itself in your walk with the Lord, it becomes your foundation as you seek righteousness, it protects you when you are falsely and unjustly accused, it is tested when you experience prosperity. You can not measure it, nor can you hold it in your hand. There is no amount of Gold or money that can buy it. When you ask a crowd of 1000 people, who has integrity, everyone will raise their hands, but you know only a few truly do.

My Mom always said actions speak louder than words. And that is a fundamental truth. Let me explain or ask you a question. Are you willing to sacrifice everything to stand up for the truth, to stand for the oppressed?  To stand for what is fundamentally right? To call out incompetence, deception, corruption, lies, cheats and thieves? Perhaps that is a hard question, but let me ask you the same question from a different perspective. Would you put your life in the hands of a person you knew was willing to lie, cheat or steal if the stakes were high enough? At what point would you draw the line? Now most of us rarely give this much thought and often our good nature prism make others that are corrupt look and seem to be on the up and up.

Actions speak louder than words, and walking that narrow path assures you will have less drama in your life. Less friends too, but they never were friends, they were fair weather friends.

What is my point? I am guilty! I have been that person I want nothing to do with. I have been that liar, that cheat, that thief. I was that person decades ago. Something has changed along the way. The process of learning to surf huge waves contributed to this change. Seeking and serving the Lord is the primary source that has slowly built character and integrity in me. It has been my constant companion now for several decades, yet I still pursue even greater integrity. Why? Because I want to serve the Lord, I want my life to have less drama. I do not want to be a slave to the deception. And I seek to serve others and how can I do that as a practicing liar, thief and cheat and in rebellion with the Lord? I cannot.

I have integrity. I can boldly make this claim because I have reached that point where being tested, I cling to integrity willing to sacrifice everything else, even my life. I have reached that level when I am confronted with a lack of integrity (corruption), where I discover deception, lying, thievery, greed, idolatry, and narcissism and sociopathy, I am repulsed, it is repelled and I have no tolerance for it. None!

I have nothing if I do not have integrity. It is the foundation of my repentance and obedience to the Lord. It is the main and only ingredient required to conduct business based on trust. It is what makes partnerships, marriages and business flourish. Without, all that ensues is disaster, destruction and death.

If you want to be successful, if you want to build a solid business, if you want a solid marriage, you will need this rare element called integrity. Be ready to look in the mirror and to thy own self, be true.

There is a test you can take that asks a ton of offish questions, it will be difficult to game the outcome the first time you take the test. Right off I knew the only way for me to take this test was to be 100% honest in my answers. Why not, you do want to know the level of your integrity right?

It is called the "Integrity and Work Ethics Test", by  So who is

History originally appeared on the internet scene in 1997 and is a subsidiary of Plumeus Inc., a privately owned high-tech company specializing in psychological test development and related products and services. While Plumeus is responsible for research and development of high-quality products and services centered on an extensive battery of psychological assessments, Psychtests was conceived as the delivery system of those same solutions. Since its inception, Psychtests has become a pre-eminent provider of psychological assessment products and services to human resource personnel, therapists, academics, researchers and a host of other professionals around the world.

Management and staff

Psychtests staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts. Psychtests was founded and is led by Dr. Ilona Jerabek, a specialist in the field of psychometric assessments and Vrat Jerabek Ph. D., a researcher and authority in the field of artificial intelligence.

– See more at:

History originally appeared on the internet scene in 1997 and is a subsidiary of Plumeus Inc., a privately owned high-tech company specializing in psychological test development and related products and services. While Plumeus is responsible for research and development of high-quality products and services centered on an extensive battery of psychological assessments, Psychtests was conceived as the delivery system of those same solutions. Since its inception, Psychtests has become a pre-eminent provider of psychological assessment products and services to human resource personnel, therapists, academics, researchers and a host of other professionals around the world.

Management and staff

Psychtests staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts. Psychtests was founded and is led by Dr. Ilona Jerabek, a specialist in the field of psychometric assessments and Vrat Jerabek Ph. D., a researcher and authority in the field of artificial intelligence.

– See more at:

History originally appeared on the internet scene in 1997 and is a subsidiary of Plumeus Inc., a privately owned high-tech company specializing in psychological test development and related products and services. While Plumeus is responsible for research and development of high-quality products and services centered on an extensive battery of psychological assessments, Psychtests was conceived as the delivery system of those same solutions. Since its inception, Psychtests has become a pre-eminent provider of psychological assessment products and services to human resource personnel, therapists, academics, researchers and a host of other professionals around the world.

Management and staff

Psychtests staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts. Psychtests was founded and is led by Dr. Ilona Jerabek, a specialist in the field of psychometric assessments and Vrat Jerabek Ph. D., a researcher and authority in the field of artificial intelligence.

So I took the test. I want you to take it as well. Be honest, I am. But of course we already know if you fail miserably and have no Integrity, you will lie about the results. Bottom line though? You know the results.

I scored 100%. I wasn't surprised. If I have a fault, it is I am brutally honest, I will sacrifice it all to be honest and in being this way, many people, even partners and friends of 20 years terminate their relationships with me because of this.


My Score:

So there you have it, the final ingrediant to true success in life!

Post your score and comments below. Go ahead, let's have some fun.

Thomas Prendergast

Al Zibluk

Effective Email Marketing

email marketingEffective Email Marketing

Email marketing is quickly becoming one of the most popular forms of Internet advertising. This is because there are many distinct advantages to the concept of email marketing. However, email marketing does have some disadvantages as well. In this article we will examine the advantages and disadvantages of email marketing and will also provide some insight into how to plan and execute an effective email marketing campaign.

Email marketing certainly has a set of unique advantages over other types of marketing both online and offline. Perhaps one of the most significant advantages to email marketing is the ability to reach a worldwide audience with minimal effort. It is certainly possible to reach a worldwide audience with other types of advertising but traditional types of advertising such as television, radio and the print media are not nearly as effective for reaching potential customers around the world all at once.

Another major advantage to email marketing is it is extremely affordable. This is significant because there are many other types of marketing, including Internet marketing, which are significantly more expensive than email marketing. The costs associated with email marketing are minimal. Ideally you will already have a list of email recipients who are interested in your products and services so there is no cost associated with obtaining a list of email addresses. Additionally the cost to send out emails is minimal and can be considered part of your regular operating costs. All of these factors already make email marketing extremely cost effective.

However, there is some cost involved in email marketing. Primarily this is the costs associated with writing the advertisements and creating any graphics which will accompany the email advertisements. This will require hiring a writer to write the copy for the advertisement and a designer to create and implements the graphics. The cost of these services will vary pretty widely but in general you will pay more for writers and designers with more experience. This is because these writers and designers are expected to be able to produce a higher quality of work than those with less experience could produce.

The most obvious disadvantage to email marketing is the possibility of having your email marketing viewed as spam. This is a very important problem because it could prove to be quite costly in terms of the profit margin for your business. Each day Internet users are bombarded with unsolicited emails serving as advertisements. This problem has reached epic proportions and the abundance of spam infiltrating the email boxes of innocent Internet users has to be cautious and suspicious about any email they receive which is unsolicited and appears to be promoting a particular product or service.

Emails which contain subject lines or content which appear to be similar to spam may be automatically transferred to a spam email folder by the email system. Emails which are not automatically deleted may be deleted without being opened simply because the recipient does not recognize the sender of the email. Both of these problems can result in essentially wasted time for the business owner because the recipients are not even viewing the emails advertising the products and services offered by the business. Additionally, they may result in complaints being lodged against the company for being a purveyor of spam.

Now that you understand the advantages and disadvantages of email marketing, you might wonder how you can maximize the advantages to use email marketing to your advantage. The most important factor to consider is your email distribution list. This should consist of former customers who have expressed a desire to receive emails with information and advertisements as well as potential customers who have also expressed interest in more information.

The content of the emails should also be carefully considered. They should certainly highlight the products and services you offer but should do so without appearing to be a hard sales pitch. A writer with experience in writing this type of copy should be able to assist you in providing insightful and accurate copy which also entices the reader to find out more about your products and services. Finally your emails should provide the readers with a call to action. This should be a statement urging the reader to take a specific action such as making a purchase or researching a product.

Article by:
Brian Walters SEO

Skype: tuneup_bj

Brian Walters MarketHive


Markethive Promotion

Al Zibluk

Social Media Marketing Made Simple Using IBOtoolbox


If you think Social Media is not effective, why are there more people on Facebook than there are people in China?  There are over 200 different social media sites available.

So how does IBOtoolbox fit into this mix?  Like any tool, it depends on how the tool is used.

These are the recommendations to use this tool effectively.  

1) You need to create interesting and engaging content.  This is a challenge for any writer, but goog copywriting really just takes practice.  The more you write, the greater skill you will develop.

2) Use hashtags.  Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, Pinterest all use hashtags to let you describe the topic of your content or mark them as part of current trends.

3) Compliment your promotion on IBOtoolbox with more powerful networks.

MarketHive is one of the most powerful networks and gives entrepreneurs a complete platform of tools at no charge whatsoever.  This link will tell you all about this very unique network.  Markethive explained

4) Use video in your marketing  from Steve Jobs.

Al Zibluk

Trump Owes Soros 160 Million Dollars?

Trump Owes Soros 160 Million Dollars?

Well the meme above says he does.  Let me tell you how this lie was fabricated.

“Donald Trump has lined up three New York hedge funds, including money from billionaire George Soros, to invest $160 million in his Chicago skyscraper, a key piece in perhaps the largest construction financing in the city’s history, according to real estate sources and public documents.”?

That was back in October 28, 2004, 12 years ago. It says that the $160 million including money from Soros, not the whole amount. That money, from whomever it came from, was a business loan, not a campaign donation. Nobody knew 12 years ago that Trump would be whipping the socks off of all the Establishment Repubs today. It is in desperation that they are going back so far to dig up shit like this

Even if trump had got some of that money from a Soros hedge fund it would have been repaid long ago. Dig through his financials, which he made public, and prove me wrong.  Let me repeat, even if true, it was a business loan, not a campaigner donation.

Here is the source of the above meme, you can see that justlittleoleme, who ever the hell that may be, dug up an artical from October 28, 2004 reposted on 1/18/2016, 1:17:20 PM.

Big names back Trump tower — Soros, Deutsche Bank said to be in on 90-story building (2004)
Chicago Tribune  | Thomas A. Corfman | October 28, 2004
Posted on 1/18/2016, 1:17:20 PM by justlittleoleme.  He looked up a story from 12 years ago and the meme creator took it and run with it.

Donald Trump has lined up three New York hedge funds, including money from billionaire George Soros, to invest $160 million in his Chicago skyscraper, a key piece in perhaps the largest construction financing in the city’s history, according to real estate sources and public documents.

Despite reports about the project’s record-breaking sales, most of them from Trump himself, many Chicago real estate developers and lenders have expressed doubts about whether the 90-story tower would ever be built.

“It is such a huge project, and the prices he said he was getting were so outside the norm,” said Robert Glickman, president and chief executive of Chicago-based Corus Bank.

“It was reasonable to say, `Is this real?'” he said.

Much of the skepticism springs from Trump’s own hype. “Chicago developers are much less flamboyant,” said Glickman.

The massive financing, which sources say also will include a $650 million construction loan from Deutsche Bank, should quell those doubts.


The document does not identify the other participants, but a key member is Grove Capital LLP, according to sources familiar with the transaction.

The firm manages most of the multibillion-dollar real estate portfolio of the $13 billion Soros Fund Management, from which Grove Capital was spun off last month.

Oh, justlittleoleme is a Senator Ted Cruz supporter, that explains the lie.   CRUZ OR LOSE

Update: 1/21/2016

If Trumps owes Soros so much money why does he not call it in?

Hedge Fund Billionaire George Soros:
‘Donald Trump Is Doing The Work Of ISIS’

On Thursday evening at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Soros used a 45-minute interview with Bloomberg TV’s Francine Lacqua to create an explosion of headlines on both the political and economic front. “Donald Trump is doing the work of ISIS,” Soros said, citing the anti-immigrant vitriol that’s been a hallmark of the Trump campaign as he’s risen in Republican primary polls. He levied a similar critique against candidates such as Ted Cruz, and said Hillary Clinton would win the general election in a landslide.

Ideas like closing U.S. borders to Muslims, Soros said, might “convince the Muslim community that there is no alternative but terrorism.” He also said ISIS’s “days are numbered” as both the Iraqi and Syrian governments win back territory the terrorist group gained.

The rise of ISIS and the crumbling of the Middle East has created a refugee crisis for Europe, and Soros said German Chancellor Angela Merkel may have erred in opening the country to refugees. “She risked her political capital and lost,” Soros said. Nonetheless, he expressed optimism that Germany and other European powers could successfully integrate migrants.

Al Zibluk

Seven Tips For Writing a Good Bio

Having a good bio is a must for any author. You may use it in your book's front matter in the About the Author section, or on your Web site or as a profile on social networking groups, or perhaps as part of your marketing packet.  

a good biography

Writing your own bio can be frustrating. You know all about yourself, but you may find it difficult to convey what you have done or achieved that is worth mentioning. Then, there is the organization of your information. Should you list items chronologically starting with your birth and ending at your current career or place of employment? Is there a method or formula to use that will tell your story in an entertaining manner?

Here are a few things to consider in writing your good bio.

1. Length: Consider how much space or time are you given. If there is a word or character limit in the space you are provided, you may have to shorten your bio to one paragraph. If you have more space, you can create a more entertaining bio.

2. Purpose: What will your bio be used for? Are you using this bio to apply for a job? Will it be posted on your Web site for all the world to read? What and how much do you need the reader to know about you? Curtail your personal information and give only pertinent facts that will not embarrass you later.

3. Voice: I always write bios in third person. It's better for someone else to brag on you than for you to brag about yourself. This is one reason that hiring a professional writer is a good idea. He or she can see you from a different vantage point and will know what questions to ask in their information-gathering interview.

4. Be honest. If you don't have experience, don't say that you do. Let's say you're getting started as a writer and your portfolio is small. Maybe your article hasn't been published in Time Magazine; but what about the essay that was published in an online blog or newsletter? If it's relevant, let it help you shine.

5. Where do you belong? Are you affiliated with clubs, volunteer organizations, or other groups? Show your humanitarian or philanthropist side by listing your community work.

6. Write tight. Offer concise information that might include:

Your full-time job or   career, and how many years have you been doing this type of work   What types of clients   you work with   Your pets or children   Fluency in other languages   Your philosophy on   life   Your goals and dreams   Your favorite books,   games, movies, TV shows, etc.

7. Hook your reader or listener. Tell something funny about yourself or tie into a memorable world event or compare yourself to a famous person.

The information you give people about yourself is fundamental to their understanding of you; therefore you want to establish your credentials and give them something they will remember about you. If you get stuck writing your bio or need someone to give you a fresh perspective on your image to the world and represent you for who you are, give us a call!

If you believe that my message is worth spreading, please use the share buttons if they show at the top of the page.

Stephen Hodgkiss
Chief Engineer at MarketHive

Al Zibluk

B2B Blogging — Does Social Media’s Rise Doom Blogging’s Future

Popular Today, But is Blogging A Flash-in-The-Pan?

As Facebook and Twitter gain momentum, it's been questioned whether blogs will become obsolete? 

b2b blogging

To answer that question, let's look at what the facts tell us.

Neither Twitter nor Facebook can match the presence of a blog. Blogs are feature-rich, versatile and permit long form content.

Twitter is text-based and extremely limited. It's considered a microblog that allows microposts of no more than 140 characters. This makes meaningful conversation impossible.

Facebook has more features than Twitter, but it focuses on individuals and their personal lives. However, as Facebook evolves, big-name consumer brands are building a presence.

Even so, because of its consumer-centric focus, it's not a haven for B2B companies. And it's unlikely to be one in the future. Regardless, you can employ Twitter and Facebook creating a synergy that directs traffic to your blog where prospects can find more substantive content. Social media complements rather than replaces blogging.

Blogging is both efficient and effective.

Inbound marketing beats traditional marketing on lead generation costs. A study by Social Examiner corroborates this in documenting a 62% reduction in costs less per lead than traditional outbound marketing.

As long as blogging remains cost-efficient, it's extremely unlikely B2B marketers will abandon it. But cost-efficiency isn't the only consideration.

According to HubSpot's VP of Marketing, Mike Volpe, "blogs generate 55% more website traffic than companies that don't… and they get 97% more links coming in to their sites."

Blogging is effective, in part, because it's an absolute workhorse. Specifically, blogging addresses 6 out of 9 customer buying phases.

  • Recognize need
  • Establish urgency
  • Create company awareness
  • Maintain visibility
  • Continue relationship

As B2B marketers become more resourceful in exploiting the benefits of blogging, its adoption and use will continue to grow. Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah, authors of Inbound Marketing, say blogs can turn your website into a living and breathing marketplace.

The Future of B2B Blogs

Today, B2B blogs are popular, and they promise to be a force in the future.

They're robust, versatile, and dispense with the hard sell. As long as blogs generate buzz- delivering compelling and engaging content when the buyer needs it — blogs will be a powerful force in the B2B world.

Most importantly, B2B blogging helps to increase your traffic, sales and profits.

The facts dispel the view that blogging's days are numbered. You might see personal blogging decline and give way to social media. But that doesn't apply to business blogging.

To paraphrase Mark Twain, I'd say the rumors of blogging's demise are greatly exaggerated.

Although B2B blogging has gained a solid following, B2B marketers haven't optimized its use. In that sense, B2B blogging hasn't reached a tipping point.

How's your business blog doing? Are you engaging prospects and customers? Are you doing it effectively and efficiently? Blogging done right can serve as the hub of your content marketing program helping you increase sales and profits. It can give you the edge you're looking for.

If you believe that my message is worth spreading, please use the share buttons if they show at the top of the page.

Stephen Hodgkiss
Chief Engineer at MarketHive

Al Zibluk