Two men whose bodies have been trashed by steroids, obesity and illness, document their rigorous healing path to regain their health.
Besides giving a review, I want to give my readers a chance to learn more. It is always good to have more than one opinion.
Internet Movie Database — Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead Reviews
Whether you are a believer or skeptic in the subject matter, this story is so well told. Joe Cross comes across as such a likeable person. He is seen interviewing different people about nutrition. He just asks questions and lets them answer. He never once insults anyone or their intelligence. I would hang out and be friends with him.
The first half of this movie is Joe Cross and his journey. In the middle of the movie he meets Phil Staples. Phil and Joe both have urticarial vasculitis so they immediately bonded. The next half is Phil’s journey with Joe’s support. Joe was paying it forward which has always been a nice concept.
It is a touching and uplifting. It is a “feel good” movie. I liked seeing how supportive family and friends were during all this. It is available on Netflix Streaming and prime. You can learn more by going to the movie’s websites below. I am giving Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 4 stars.
Facebook Page — Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead
I am more a believer than skeptic about what I saw. A 60 day juice fast scares me. I would worry about my teeth not chewing on any food for that long of a period. I will also say the testimonials of both Joe and Phil seem a little too good to be true. I do have these concerns.
This was the third time I have seen the movie. I saw it the first time in January 2012. I immediately went out a bought a juicer at Walmart. It did get good reviews and it is quiet as described. I have a picture of it below as well as the product description. I made a commitment to make my own juice which I keep telling myself “has to be better than soda”. I do have my own Green Juice which is one granny smith apple, one lemon, 4 celery sticks, a bunch of kale and a piece of ginger root the size of my thumb. Phil Staples is shown making something very similar.
I am also attaching a picture of a book I liked about juicing and fasting. I learned from Jason Vale’s book the importance of eating your fruits and juicing your vegetables. Since adopting this I have lost 23 pounds in the last year.
After the above listed I created a Healthy Living Pinterest Board. Click here to view it. Most of the images I have pinned from other sources.
Alan Zibluk
The Internet Guy
The Original Internet Guy Website (2004)
Who is Alan Zibluk —
Tag: Netflix Streaming
This offbeat documentary starring comedian Jamie Kennedy explores the often contentious relationship between the stand-up performers onstage and the vocal critics in the audience. Interviews include comedian Bill Maher and director George Lucas.
I want to start off my saying this documentary was more about Jamie Kennedy with his handling of negative blog movie reviews than stand-up performers dealing with vocal critics. This is Jamie Kennedy’s movie and it was okay with me as it shows words hurt. I am recommending this as we all have to deal with negative criticism from time to time.
I obviously do blog movie reviews. I was told years ago if I wanted to build an online presence I would need to write what I know. I do know movies and like relating some of my own personal experiences with them. It is good for me to get words out. I know too well how words hurt so I try not to be too negative in my criticism. One movie in particular I did not like was “The Notebook.” I gave my readers compelling reasons why I didn’t like it. I actually hope more people will see this movie and have an intelligent discussion about what I didn’t like.
I wanted to explain myself as people who do blog movie reviews were criticized. Most of those critics seemed like okay people who were giving constructed criticism. There was just one critic who seemed to take delight in hurting Mr. Kennedy. I thought this one particular critic was portrayed as a mean spirited hostile jerk. Unfortunately there will always be people like this and we must be a little more thick skinned.
As mentioned before I am recommending this documentary as we all deal with unwanted negative criticism from time to time. It was enjoyable hearing some of the different characterizations of the heckler.
George Lucas was interviewed in this movie. He had a great quote. “There are two types of people in this world. There are creators and destroyers. I prefer to align myself with the creators because they bring something positive.”
I wanted to include a summer of 2012 picture in this review. I think about sandcastles. I am not talented enough to make one but appreciate the skill. It is funny to me how quickly someone makes one another person will come around and destroy it. The sandcastle above was destroyed by some kids after I took this picture. They noticed I was admiring it.
Click here for the Netflix link in case you would like to add it to your queue. This one I watched through Netflix streaming. I am giving this one 3.6 stars.
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I have been experimenting with Pinterest. I am linking poster pictures to my reviews. If you would like to take a look, click here.
All the best,
Alan Zibluk
The Internet Guy
The Original Internet Guy Website (2004)
Who is Alan Zibluk —
God Bless America
Disgusted with American society and diagnosed with a brain tumor, Frank (Joel Murray) teams up with teenager Roxy (Tara Lynne Barr) and the two begin killing reality TV stars, bigots and others they find repugnant in Bobcat Goldthwait’s black comedy.
I want to start off by saying movies have always been an escape for me. Where else can we see good triumphing over evil? It is a chance to live through someone else vicariously. We get to do things we never will in real life.
I was very saddened by the tragic shooting for the new Batman movie in Colorado on July 20, 2012. There was so much anticipation for this movie and to have something like this happen is awful. I do not condone violence. I like watching movies and relating them to real experiences in hopes of making this world a little better.
I had to get that off my chest as I feel this movie is controversial. I was never a fan of Bobcat Goldthwait but I really liked this film. It was the ultimate revenge fantasy movie I have ever seen.
I mentioned the Colorado tragedy as one of the shootings does take place in a movie theatre. They take out the rude people in the movie theatre, the people who talk on the cell phone during the movie. It is rude and the reason why I don’t go to movie theatres anymore. This particular scene might be upsetting to some viewers.
They also take out one person who takes up two parking spots. Is their sense of entitlement that high? How about the protestors that demonstrates at funerals? How about these reality television stars that get rewarded for bad behavior?
This movie was not so much violent as it was thought provoking. It was the dialogue and not the violence that impressed me. Below is the speech the protagonist delivered at the end of the movie.
“My name is Frank. But that’s not important. The important question is ‘Who are you? ‘America has become a cruel and vicious place. We reward the shallowest, the dumbest, the meanest and the loudest. We no longer have any common sense or decency. No sense of shame. There is no right and wrong. The worst qualities in people are looked up to and celebrated. Lying and spreading fear are fine. As long as you make money doin’ it. We’ve become a nation of slogan-saying, bile-spewing hate-mongers. We’ve lost our kindness. We’ve lost our soul.”
I hope more people see this movie and come to the say come conclusion than I did. That conclusion is we can do better. Our children deserves better. I don’t watch television anymore as it is just awful. There are no redeeming qualities.
Click here for the Netflix link in case you would like to add it to your queue. This one I watched through Netflix streaming.
All the best,
Alan Zibluk
The Internet Guy
The Original Internet Guy Website (2004)