Hello Teammates
Thank you again for joining The Stellar Association / Yiggiy with me. It just keeps getting more and more exciting as launch day draws closer. If you haven’t been following what is going on, you might want to listen to the members-only call we had Saturday the 18th. I know I had to talk some of you into joining, but I hope you see the Big Picture now ––> those of us who have Founders Positions with this are SET FOR LIFE. This is TOTALLY PASSIVE INCOME, which you will receive every month forever. It comes from the royalties earned on the intellectual property this business owns, just like someone who writes a book gets a royalty on every copy that is sold ….. You know how that works. Same thing.
Members Only Recorded Call Link for Saturday August 18th 2018 https://stme.in/mff95gslbO
They announced on that call that sales of the Founders Positions for the Second group will be stopped next Saturday, the 25th, at 3 PM EST. If there is enough demand, they will consider opening a Third batch of positions, but there is no guarantee of that, and it is looking very unlikely at this point. http://www.theassociation.website/index.html?Ref=RBM24-FE53P

So if you want to take any more positions perhaps to give to your children or grandchildren (they can be millionaires by the time they are ready for college), your Church, your favorite charities, etc — or tell any of your friends about this — please do it before Saturday. If you have one position, you’ll get one royalty share each month –– but if you have two positions you’ll get twice as much money every month –– and if you have five or ten, you’ll get five or ten times as much money every month. This is the biggest bargain ever –– for only a one-time $120 USD you will make millions over time. (Please listen to the call for some really great news. They project that we will start getting $6,300 per position within 5-6 months, and each month will pay more than the month before, as the business expands globally and more people join.)
(PayPal is the easiest, and you can use your debit or credit card there too.) When you start getting your totally passive monthly payments, I know you’ll wish you were getting twice as much money, or five times as much money — the only way to make that happen is to take more positions NOW, before they stop sales Saturday. Once the positions are all gone, they are gone forever, and you will lose the opportunity to get more.
To keep up with all the news, please join us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/yiggiytournaments , or join our Skype chatroom https://join.skype.com/c0G5PdBkmjBs.
I sincerely hope you understand the potential of this huge global business — I hope you get excited when you listen to the recording of this week’s members-only call. We should all be able to retire next year with this — well, of course it depends on how many positions you have, how much money in royalties you will get every month going forward. How much do you want for your retirement? http://http://www.theassociation.website/index.html?Ref=RBM24-FE53P

It’s always FREE to play, but you can win real cash and prizes for yourself and your favorite charity. Check out the games here http:// https://yiggiy.com/?Ref=RBM24-FE53P
If you can swing it to take another position or two, you’ll really be thanking yourself when they start paying this fall. Just think how much more you can do with two or three or five times as much totally passive income. This will probably be the last time I contact you about this, although I may send it out again to be sure you got it. You only have until Saturday the 25th at 3 PM EST to decide how much future passive income you want to receive, how much income you want to retire with, and lock it in.
If you are reading this and you have not registered with us yet you can do so by going here to signup http://www.theassociation.website/index.html?Ref=RBM24-FE53P
Play free POKER games every night and earn money FREE!! http://https://yiggiy.com/?Ref=RBM24-FE53P …
Yiggiy weekend games are going on! PLAY BLACKJACK TONIGHT FOR FREE AND EARN. Come and play tonight! Get yourself registered and invite friends to come and play! Come win Cash and Big Prizes. Yiggiy games are always FREE and always FUN https://yiggiy.com/?Ref=RBM24-FE53P

All Yiggiy Tournaments are FREE to play. There is absolutely NO GAMBLING at Yiggiy.
Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member