Overcoming your Fear

Fear Of Falure

Overcoming your fears with starting a new online business can be a challenging time. You will have many thoughts passing through your mind,such as:-

  • Is it true or is it a scam.

  • Does the product produce expected results

  • How can I sell the product

  • Who can I sell to

  • Will I make money

  • What will my Friends and Family think

  • How can I find the money to start.

  • Who will support me

  • What if I fail


You need to carry out due diligence, this generally means checking how long the company has been in existence, what is the track record of the people, running the business , carry out searches on Google and generally avoid new start up companies.


Many people choose the Multi Level Marketing (MLM) route. Which is both popular but also likely to fail due to over priced products, leaving distributors with a stockpile of products which they are unable to sell to friends and family.


There is an easy way to check on the value of a product by searching on the likes of Amazon and E bay for the products you are looking to sell and see what price they can be brought at auction. If the auction price does not reach the price you have to pay as a distributor you are likely to have difficulty finding customers.. Some MLM companies restrict you from selling online as they know their products are overpriced in order to pay commissions.


I would not suggest selling to friends and family unless the product provides a solution to their particular needs, a few might buy because they feel sorry for you but you can lose many friends.


Gather as much information about the products you are going to be selling, looking carefully at testimonials, as well as using the products yourself, this helps you speak from the heart when talking to potential customers.


The truth behind success begins with having a good product and being able to market it to potential customers at a price they are prepared to pay. Few people have experience of marketing, however having access to the right tools could be the difference between success and failure. You see all companies offer you a website but how do you get people to go to it.


I am a member of a social/ business network called MarketHive, which I invite you to join for free as it not only has the ability to promote your products, but we have experienced marketers who will help you be in profit within 30 days. Gone are the days of having a sponsor who starts you off makes money from you and then leaves you floundering. We can show you how to put you products in front of millions of people on social media.


If your start up finances are stretched we have a turn key solution. Feel free to contact me


David Ogden

Helping People Help themselves.



Skype seadogs11

Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member

How many groups can you join on Facebook per day?

First of all, how many groups are there on Facebook?  Facebook may know the exact number, but according to rough Google estimates there are from 600 million to up to 1 billion groups on Facebook.

If you want to join a large number of Facebook groups, that is fine, but you will have to do it fairly slowly on a day by day basis.  If you try to join too many groups at once, you may get a message from Facebook that you are restricted from joining groups on Facebook.  

Usually, this restriction lasts for one week, but if you are a habitual abuser of adding too many groups too quickly there may be more severe penalties in store for you.

I am wondering how many of you have every faced this situation on Facebook.

I am taking a survey about joining Facebook groups with 3 questions.

1) On average, how many groups do you join per day on Facebook?  __________

2) Do you join a fairly consistent number of groups per day?   __________

3) If you have ever been suspended for joining too many groups, do you know how many groups you had tried to join in the last 24 hours when the suspension occurred?   __________

Please post your answers as comments below, and I will tabulate the responses and report back the results.

Thank you.


John Lombaerde – Goldfinch Digital Publishing


Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member

The New secret to rapidly building connections on Linkedin



I don't send manual invitations anymore on LinkedIn. This is a major milestone in my marketing on LinkedIn, because I have to tell you I have spent a lot of time manually messaging on LinkedIn.

Are you trying to expand your network of connections on LinkedIn? Despite all the benefits of being on LinkedIn, one thing that is not easy to do is expand your network of 1st level connections.

I was able to grow my 1st level connections to 10,000 in less than one year, but I had to work very hard at it. I am a LinkedIn trainer as well as an entrepreneur, and one thing I teach my students is to be careful not to send out more than 40 invitations per day. This is a restriction that LinkedIn puts on free and Business Plus paid accounts.

If you do the math, even if you work at it every day, you would not make it to 10,000 connections in a year, even if you had a very high 50% invitation acceptance rate. For most people, it probably would take around 3 years to do this, on average.

The only reason I was able to do it so quickly is that I had two paid LinkedIn accounts, a Business Plus account as well as a Sales Navigator account. With both these accounts, I was able to send out more than 100 invitations per day, since a free or Business Plus account allows for 40 invitations per day. I also found out that Sales Navigator allows up to 100 invitations per day.

The downside was that it took me 45 minutes to one hour each day to accomplish this. I wanted to send mainly personalized invitations. It was a lot of hard work, and many times along the way, I felt like giving up.

BUT, now I have found a much easier way to send well over a hundred invitations per day, and also to send invitations completely on autopilot. It now takes me only about 5-10 minutes per day to do what took me nearly one hour per day last year.

This particular tool was not available last year, but if I had been able to use it last year, I would have saved an enormous amount of time. I could have saved well over 300 hours last year alone!


You can use this program with either a free or a paid LinkedIn account, and the automation program is compliant with LinkedIn's terms and conditions.

Please review the video at the link below, and I think you will discover this is an automation tool you will not want to live without.


Check out Linked Group Messenger —-> Click HERE <—-


Thank you very much for reading this entire message.

Any questions at all, just reply to this message you received. I will be happy to answer any question you might have.


John Lombaerde
Goldfinch Digital Publishing LLC

Note:  click this link below to connect with me on LinkedIn.

VP-NJ Marketing at MarketHive | Entrepreneur | Marketing Automation | CRM | Leads Online | Networker | Social Media


Related articles

Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member

make money online

Struggling to Make Money Online ? 

When you first start a business you need to identify a product that you can sell on the open market at a profit, which usually rules out MLM products as most are overpriced, with even distributors struggling to move products at even the distributor price.

What if I told you there was a popular product drunk by millions of people on a daily basis, made from 100% natural product, which not only satisfies people thirst but has the added advantage of helping people to lose weight..

The number of overweight people throughout the world is increasing alarmingly, such that governments like the UK are considering a sugar tax on popular fizzy drinks. During my work every day I see many overweight people and watch them struggle to complete simple tasks. Perhaps I am one of the lucky few who was throughout my life been able to keep my weight within controllable limits.

Having a product that sells well and makes money online is a great start for any business, however you need also to be able to market the product. The milliennials and older make heavy use of social media, so this is where you need to focus your advertising and any sites you use must be set up to be mobile friendly. I use a system called MarketHive which enables me to get my message across to millions of people with the simple push of a button.

I suppose that the hardest part of the processof making money online is actually writing the blog posts, but even here the MarketHive system has what is called blog swipe where you can edit and use someone else's blog, adding your own twist to the story and pointing it to your own capture pages. It does not become much easier than this.

Unlike a traditional MLM, you will find the members of MarketHive's business and social network are a friendly bunch, willing to help one another achieve their goals, even though they may be in different lines of the business. this cooperation is the root of MarketHive's success.

If you have struggled in the past to make money online, like I have in the past, this could be a life changer, please contact me if you want more details.


David Ogden

Helping People Help themselves.




Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member

Are You An Alpha Entrepreneur?

Most MLMers seem to end up with excess products that they can't sell at a profit because the products are overpriced in the first place. You only have to look on eBay and you will see what I mean. Some companies even ban members from selling except from approved sites online.

Become an Alpha Entrepreneur

We have found a company who is different and not only do they have a good weight-loss product but it sells at a competitive price so that Independent Representatives can still make a profit even when selling at auctions.

Now some people face challenges when it comes to marketing, partly due to the price of the product as mentioned above and sometimes because they do not know where to start. Now I have teamed up with a company called Markethive which is making a special offer to all people who join Valentus at the $499 (Ruby) level. Now $499 is a lot of money, however your order when sold online will recover this cost and put you in profit.

Markethive special incentive is an upgrade to the Alpha Entrepreneur membership level. This is an amazing deal as it normally costs $5000 and includes a one-time deposit of $10,000 in Ad credits and contributes $200 in Ad credits per month so long as the member maintains their Ruby level. If you drop below Ruby level then the monthly credits will be suspended until you re-activate it.

Within Markethive you will find a new type of entrepreneur, groups of people who will go the extra mile to ensure you can build this business, teaching you how to extend your reach in social media. We currently have Valentus groups in the UK, Europe and the USA, so you will not be alone, we all help one another, no matter which group you are part of.

All the tools you will ever need, blogs, auto-responders, rotators, combined with active social media media, messaging and conference rooms. All at NO ADDITIONAL cost.

If you're interested in learning more then visit A New Experience to find out more.

If you believe that my message is worth spreading, please use the share buttons if they show on this page.

Stephen Hodgkiss
Chief Engineer at MarketHive


Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member

Its A No Brainer

Most MLM emers seem to end up to end up with excess products that they can't sell at a profit because the products are overpriced in the first place. You only have to look on E bay and you will see what I mean. Some companies even ban members from selling except from approved sites online.

I have found a company who is different and not only do they have a good weight loss product but it sells at a competitive price so that Independent Representatives can still make a profit even when selling at auctions.


Now some people face challenges when it comes to marketing, partly due to the price of the product as mentioned above and sometimes because the do not know where to start. Now I have teamed up with a company called MarketHive which is making a special offer to all people who join Valentus at the $500 (Ruby) level. Now $499 is a lot of money, however you starter pack product if sold online will recover this cost and put you in profit.

MarketHive special incentive is an upgrade in MarketHive to the Alpha Entrepreneur membership level. This is an amazing deal as it normally costs $5000 and includes One time deposit of $10,000 in Ad credits and contributes $300 in Ad credits per month so long as the member maintains their Ruby level, if you drop below ruby level month credits will be suspended until you return ruby level.

Within MarketHive you will find a new type of entrepreneur, groups of people who will go the extra mile to ensure you can build this business, teaching you how to extend your reach in social media. We currently have Valentus groups in the UK, Europe, and the USA, so you will not be alone, we all help one another, no matter which group you are part of.

All the tools you will ever need, blogs, auto-responders, rotators, combined with active social media media, messaging and conference rooms.

David Ogden

MarketHive Alpha Founder

Valentus Ruby Independent Representative

Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member

Building your Business

Building your businesses

building your businessMany people join an MLM company as a distributor, only to find, that their so called sponsor, offers little help or advise, because he or she earns from sponsoring you and is in reality in competition with you about building his business. You can be left with draws or cupboards full of product which you are unable to sell to friends or family. Does this sound familiar with you.


People tend to recruit distributors, who in reality are little more than customers as they do not recruit many in any customers. Customers are the key to building a success business, so you need to carry out some preparatory work in the area of marketing to start making contact with potential customers.

One thing I have learnt in the years I have been working online is it is easier to to become successful if you are supplying customers with some thing that suits their need, rather than trying to persuade a potential distributor to part with money to set up a business.

One problem a distributor faces is that they become a one man band who has to do everything, however, I have found an answer thanks to the foresight of Tom Prendergast, and his development team who have created a social media and marketing site, where budding entrepreneurs, gather and discuss and help one another to build each others business. It does not matter who you are, what you know or where you live, you will be helped along the road to success.

One example is the promotion of a company who has realised that customers are at the centre of success for their independent business owners. The resources of MarketHive are used by interested groups who work together blogging and sharing information, on social media ,within not only their own sphere of influence but also those of other members involved. The result is you communication can reach millions of people at the push of a button.

It is a mind boggling concept that is starting to stir the industry, if you would like to learn more about swarm marketing, I would like to invite you to contact me

David Ogden

Helping People to help themselves

Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member

My Valentus Weightloss Coffee Journey

My Valentus Weightloss Coffee Journey

Here I sit awaiting my initial order of Valentus Weight Loss Coffee. I am anxious to try the coffee as well as the energy drink and immune booster.

My journey into Valentus started just about two weeks ago while hanging out at MarketHive.com. MarketHive is a free inbound marketing platform coupled with a vibrant social network. Truly an amazing concept. More on that later because it is important to my decision to take a journey with Valentus.

If you have not heard of Valentus, here you go.

Valentus is a two year old company dedicated to health living with its flagship product SlimRoast Weight Loss Coffee.

Yea, I know, I was thinking the same thing when I first heard about it, “thats weird.”

I enjoy coffee most of the time. There are days I can live without it. However I have been enjoying iced coffee more and more during these summer months. 

I also enjoy food, thus the additional 35 pound resting on my frame. So I thought, “what the heck”, I may as well give this a try and see what it does for me and my girth. 

From the WeightLoss Coffee testimonials some people have done very little about their diet and exercise or lack thereof. I am physically active, but I don’t do anything like running or lift weights.

There are currently for products in the Valentus line:

Valentus Weightloss Coffee & Products



Prevail Slimroast Coffee

  • Controls appetite
  • Regulates sugar absorption
  • Regulates fat absorption
  • Promotes brain health and focus
  • Elevates mood
  • Antioxidant

Prevail Immune Boost

  • Packed with antioxidants
  • Loaded with vitamins and minerals
  • Supports immune health
  •  Perfect when feeling of colds of sickness are coming on

Prevail Energy

  • Boost your lagging energy
  • Lasts for hours
  • Works for you in minutes
  • Athletes
  • Drivers
  • Afternoon Slumps
  • Mornings
  • Students

Prevail Trim

  • Perfect for healthy weight management
  • All natural
  • Formulated with natural appetite suppressant
  • Ingredients to help detoxify your body,

I will be journaling my journey with Valentus and the Prevail line of products with detailed reviews and updates on my physical and mental well being. 





Bryan Tuck
Helping Entrepreneurs Leverage the Internet To Build A Successful Business

Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member

Lose Weight with Valentus Slimroast Coffee

Valentus Company is a health and wellness firm founded by Dave Jordan. The company has a line of products that help boost energy, safely and naturally. The Valentus Slimroast Coffee is an all-natural weight loss product that tastes good and helps people feel great.

weight-loss coffee

Weight loss is one of the most highly searched terms on the Internet for a reason. Everyone wants to look their best, but sometimes forget along the way that it is also about feeling their best and living their best. This is why unhealthy diets and supplements that promise quick results seem to prevail within the market. Valentus wants to change that by delivering a product that not only helps people achieve their weight loss goals, but does so in a healthy manner. The Valentus Slimroast Coffee is made from healthy, natural ingredients like Non GMO Dark Roast Coffee, Chlorogenic Acid (Green Coffee extract), Garcinia Cambogia , Cassiolamine Green Tea Extract, Ginseng Extract, and L-Carnitine with Chromium. Each of these ingredients pack a thermogenic punch that can help control appetite, regulate sugar and fat absorption, increase focus, and promote brain health. Dave Jordan, founder and CEO, believes that providing product alternatives to what people usually reach for is the key to helping them maintain a healthier lifestyle.

“So many people start their day with coffee,” he explains. “So if we can substitute that Starbucks extra sugar, extra syrup, super sized latte with a coffee that tastes great and promotes a health weight then we’ve helped our clients get over one of their weight loss hurdles. Our product is coffee. It’s what they’re used to drinking in the morning, anyway. The difference is that our coffee will help them curb their appetite, boost their metabolism, and help them focus so they don’t have to keep drinking more of it or reach for a soda.”

The Valentus Slimroast Coffee is an Italian dark roast coffee that has been supplemented with natural appetite suppressants. People who have used the Slimroast Coffee have experienced weight loss, renewed energy, and vitality. Currently, the product is sold through the website and select distributors in single sizes, and discounts for larger orders.

When the SlimRoast coffee came out, I started drinking one cup a day. I was shocked by what happened next! The inches began to melt off, and my body seemed to be toning up all by itself — without exercising!

–Donna, Indiana

To become a Distributor of Valentus Products or just to request more information, please visit Valentus SlimRoast

Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member

Improving Conversion by Building Business Relationships

building business relationships

building business relationships

Improving Conversion by Building Business Relationships

Trying to sell a visitor on a first visit is like asking someone to marry you the first time you meet. To improve your chances of closing the sale, first seek to build a business relationship with the prospect. Building rapport can be done in the following ways.

1) Educating

Explain a process or concept. Give step-by-step instructions and advice.

2) Problem solving

If there is a common problem your prospects face, develop a creative solution. Provide a simple, quick, and easy way to fix it.

3) Adding value

Provide something of value to your prospects. Ideally, use digital products and systems so that once the product is created, it does not cost you any extra to distribute it to 1,000 or 1,000,000.

Practically, these methods of business relationship building are conducted through the following ways:

4) Articles

Writing articles about your area of expertise can allow you to dramatically increase your influence. By submitting articles you have written to relevant directories, you could get republished to dozens of publications and reach thousands of prospects. You will be positioned as an expert to these people, and they will come to you looking for answers.

5) Blogging

The benefits of building and maintaining a blog are similar to those of publishing articles. Posting new, interesting content will help you market yourself by educating others. It attracts inbound links from other websites, and can often boost your website traffic.

6) E-course

An email e-course can be built by taking 3-5 of your articles and setting up a newsletter publishing tool to send 1 article per day to each person that signs up. You will get the benefits of marketing through education, and the repetition of one article per day will further market yourself.

Since the recipients have chosen to receive this from you, you can also include a message at the end of each email promoting your product or service.

7) Free tools & downloads

Building free tools that help your potential customers in some way is a powerful strategy to building traffic and relationships. Examples include calculators, generators, eBooks, and plugins. Often, these do not cost much time or effort to create, but provide a lot of value to your target audience.

Build relationships by sharing knowledge and giving away value before you try to close the sale. Doing so will not only improve your sales conversion rate, but will win you loyal customers and clients.


MarketHive Inbound Marketing Tools for Entrepreneurs

MarketHive is a social networking site designed for entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, MarketHive isn't only a social networking website, in addition, it includes a blogging platform, plus some very effective online marketing tools to allow entrepreneurs to be successful marketing their Internet business, services and products.

Below you will find some of the marketing tools you will receive once you sign up for Markethive:

  • Autoresponders
  • E-mail Broadcasting
  • Blogging Platform
  • Capture Pages
  • One Click Lead Generation System
  • Conference Room and a whole lot more

You might be curious about how much actually does MarketHive charge for these amazing online marketing tools, well the answer really is these Internet marketing tools are totally free of charge for life, no strings attached. Basically these online marketing tools would cost you hundreds of dollars per month, not at MarketHive. This is the good news for the beginner as well as the veteran Internet marketer.

To learn more click on the following link:


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me. My telephone number is 609-641-6594 — Eastern Time Zone



Ida Mae Boyd
Inbound Marketing Specialist

Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member