Introducing Green Fire Engineered Reclamation

Green Fire Engineered Reclamation

Green Fire is a passionate multi-disciplinary organization specializing in carefully engineered waste Remediation and Reclamation.

A number of years ago our group came together with a focus on developing ways of economically resolving the global epidemic of health risks facing society from its mounting waste. The result is Green fire Engineered Reclamation.

Green Fire Engineered Reclamation is an engineering company, made up of entrepreneurs, engineers, scientists and academic experts focused on the world's waste problem, initially the open landfills.

We pride ourselves on our ability as a collective group to integrate all appropriate technologies, Green Fire's as well as third party technologies. We integrate technologies to build the best possible solution for the landfill and the local community.

We are focused on landfill mining. With our technologies we are able to reclaim and re-purpose the landfill by removing the raw and useful materials from what has been rejected as waste, producing only inert material to be used for new purposes.

Here is the problem we are addressing.

Open Dumpsites

Open Dumpsites are a global problem. There are approximately 350 recognized open dump sites globally. They receive roughly 40% of the world’s waste and they serve about 3.5 — 4 billion people. That's half of the world's population.

The 50 biggest dumpsites directly affect the daily lives of 64 million people, a population the size of France.

There have been and still are international calls for solutions to solve this escalating global health emergency. Green Fire has the solution.


What we do is process the waste through the “application of heat.”

Green Fire has a patented technology several years in development and with several million dollars invested.. It is now ready to be taken into useful production.

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The Green Fire Technology is an efficient electrochemical system powered by electricity that produces an intense field of radiant energy, a plasma, that causes the breaking apart of the molecular bonds of solid, liquid and gaseous compounds of materials both hazardous and nonhazardous.

Our process is a two stage process.

The first transforms the organic (carbon-based) materials into an ultra-clean, synthetic gas, called syngas. The clean syngas is then converted into transportation fuels such as ethanol and diesel, or industrial products like hydrogen and methanol. The syngas is used as a substitute for natural gas for heating and is used for electrical generation.

After the first phase, the waste materials flow into a second closed chamber where they are superheated using an electricity — conducting gas called plasma.

In this secondary stage of the Green Fire process, inorganic (non-carbon-based) materials are transformed into environmentally inert raw materials.

That brings us to the recovered materials

The recovered materials are used with appropriate technologies that include 3D Printing for site specific manufacturing and fabrication. The ultimate focus is to create a local manufacturing business for the betterment of community commerce.

Green Fire provides the education and training to local qualified individuals and professionals. All education provided is supported by a mentoring program until a comfort level for independent operations has been reached at which point support and oversight will be minimizes to an as needed basis.

We build small low cost villages with our processes and materials. We provide designs to manufacture low cost housing for the local village.

Our villages are designed for a population range from 50 to 150 individuals, although some are smaller, and larger villages of up to 2,000 individuals can exist as networks of smaller sub-communities.

These villages are provided electricity, fuels and clean water utilities as well as training and communication systems from Green Fire operations.

Green Fire Villages are intentional villages whose goal is to become completely autonomous and more socially, economically and environmentally safe.

Who lives in these initial villages?

Most important inhabitants are the Landfill Pickers that already populate the landfill, then Green Fire staff and employees,and the additional community support personnel such as medical, and emergency staff.

It is the people of the village that provide the labor for Green Fire operations.

There are approximately 30 million people who directly survive on and make the landfill an integral part of their lifestyle. These people have formed and are a part of a global organization of Landfill Pickers. The Landfill Pickers are the initial target of Green Fire.

It is our mission to enhance the living standard of these people and the surrounding communities.

Green Fire is dedicated to the children living and existing on the landfills around the world. The humanitarian project Green Fire sponsors for this task is called the “Children of the Landfill” project. We are crowd funding and will introduce the campaign in a few days.

In summary:

1. Landfill dumpsites are a significant health hazard in many locations around the world and influences about one half of the world's population

2. Green Fire builds a facility which with the use of our technology converts landfill dump site contents into useful by products

3. The output of the process has many potential uses, one of which is to use the material in a 3D printer to create pre-fab housing material which initially will be used to assemble self-sustaining housing for the workers at the landfill.

4. Other outputs are clean electricity, fuels and inert raw materials.

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Mike Prettyman
Chief Information Officer at Green Fire Engineered Reclamation
Green Fire Engineered Reclamation


Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member