The Cash Discount Program from Swipeitpro enables merchants to offset some or all of their current merchant service fees without increasing the overall rates. The proprietary technology at Swipeitpro allows merchants to implement service fee to their customers within the guidelines of Visa, Mastercard, and processor regulations. For those customers who wish to avoid the services fee, merchants can offer discounts to these customers if they pay with cash. With this method, your posted rates will become the rate for customers who pay with cash, and all others will see a line item added to their receipt.
Utility Companies
By using Swipeitpro Zero Fee Credit Card Processing, Utility companies who also serve customers that choose to pay over the phone or online with credit cards have reduced their processing fees to almost nothing.
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Auto Dealers & Services
Many dealerships avoid accepting credit cards because it hurts their profits. With SwipeItPro, your shops have the right solution to accept credit cards and save big.
Legal & Professional Services
Professional services such as attorneys, accountants and consulting services spend time chasing down clients for payments. With our program, you can now send online invoices to your client or accept retainers securely without the fees.
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Retail Stores
Any retail store, big or small, online or offline, can save thousands annually by cutting out their credit card processing expense completely.
Healthcare & Wellness Services
Healthcare practices deal with tons of reimbursements that make accepting credit cards hurt your profit. With SwipeItPro, health practitioners can collect collect co-pays, DME purchases, and treatment payments without the credit card bill.
Bars & Nightclubs
The credit card processing rates for establishments such as bars and nightclubs are significantly high. By implementing SwipeItPro, your business can save a lot..
Property Payments
With our program, you can accept rental payments and deposits easy, without the high credit processing fees.
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Chris Corey
CEO SwipeItPro
Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member