Tag: resolve

A practical approach to My Resolve Beyond Neurology

Resolve Beyond NeurologyA practical approach to My Resolve Beyond Neurology

My Resolve Beyond Neurology uses a practical approach to resolving conflicts that can affect your innate systems and is a three-part positive feedback system. These innate systems I am talking about include but are not limited to; breathing, physical movement, thought processes, emotional stress resolution and so on.

See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Innate_immune_system

The 3 part positive feedback system mentioned above takes the guesswork out of determining firstly what the real problem that ails us is, secondly, confirms the treatment and thirdly it validates the expected result of the treatment.


Resolve Beyond Neurology System training helps find the conflict(s) in neurology. The system is simply part of my "Resolve Toolkit" which was (and still is) developed and taught by me as part of my Resolve beyond neurology training program.


The way a person recovers from an injury, or a conflict, or some emotional stress should be a non-event in one’s life. In other words, getting better should be automatic response in the right way, just like when you cut finger slightly, it mends itself by itself. It would be awesome if other traumas in life like, emotional stress, physical injuries and conflicts resolved themselves by themselves in the same way.


However, during the healing process, if these emotional stresses, injuries and conflicts are putting some unwanted negative stimulus in our life, then this influence may begin running or at least supplying a strong influence over our innate system.


So instead of oneself being in control of our lives, a vicious cycle starts and then perpetuates itself with results in often increasing our symptoms and our illness. So you limp continues or your shoulder continues aching and we seem powerless to erase or correct this ongoing situation.


So how in reality does this happen? Now each muscle and nerve in our body ultimately connects to our brain through our internal electrical and nervous systems. The pain sensors trigger and begin possibly influencing our behaviours, our structure and our emotions. This then could possibly be causing many undesired influence on our daily life in a negative way.


The way we learnt to walk, run, play sport and so on is because our brain is constantly running "programs", signalling our muscles to do these things. Different "programs" run causing different movements that we want to make. These programs are very sophisticated enabling us when we walk for example, to also see, hear, keep our balance, talk laugh and so on.

Let me finish this article aby way of an example of conflict resolution and how using my Resolve Beyond Neurology can help.


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Conflict Resolution Example:  You see a person who should be doing say accountancy in life, it’s what he is most suited to as all the tests he did at school to determine a possible career path showed he would be a great accountant.


But he is doing a plumbers job. You say “why aren’t you doing accountancy”.  He says, “Because my father said I’d never be any good as an accountant” — And he believed his father and not the school career tests he did! He now “the plumber” has an instant conflict that perhaps could go on for all his life, and this could make him ill.


Using the Beyond Neurology approach in client care can highlight how these conflicts can happen. We need to be aware and look for these conflicts and refocus to find the best solution.


Conflict Example:  A person having trouble learning — shows they have had a conflict between what they want to learn and what they have had to learn. A person’s truth is always with them. We can’t teach them their own truth only they can do that.


But what is it that is stopping them from discovering and expressing their own truth? These obstacles are often unknown by the subconscious and using methods and techniques outlined in my Resolve Beyond neurology Training Classes we can identify not only the mechanisms of the compensation patterns, but the context and the values that they are trying to live out and what is we do when we work with clients is helping them to get back to normal. Most important not what we as practitioners “think is normal” but acceptance by the client of normal for them and their conflict resolution.

Stay tuned for more articles later

Article by Val Walters

Resolve Beyond Neurology

Al Zibluk

What goes wrong with our "Human Systems" when we become ill?

Resolve Beyond NeurologyWhat goes wrong when we become ill?

Any illness, injury and/or emotional stress can cause each of these section to behave off kilter. The programs that control our normal functions of the physical, of the mental and of our emotions try all the time to do their best with what they have resources you have available within your "Being" for

Although these normal "programs" sometimes run incorrectly. For example, instead of walking normally you may limp, or trip, or perhaps lose your balance or bump into objects unexpectedly more often than you may normally do.

Occasionally you may not notice these events happening in your life but others do. Your friends perhaps may comment about these events happening. But you observe — and say — how is it possible that my friends can see that I am say “off my game” but I cannot notice what’s going on in my own existence?

Failure in observation of what happening in your own being or to ignore life’s events is very common. You see illness is like this — sometimes sneaking up on you gradually whereas if you actually fell over and broke something then this is an instant shock, an immediate wakeup call that you may need to take action, get an ambulance or call someone for help. I could illustrate this ad infinitum but you see may point. Illness and accidents happen in life.   

As a Resolve Practitioner I am dealing often with the aftermath of these events continually. Things like pain resolution that nothing else seems to fix, accident trauma that is still there years after an accident or months after some confrontational event in your life that’s say prevents you from sleeping normally (you know what I mean 7 to 8 hours at night).

Although if you are in a car accident and bleeding occurs, you need to seek medical attention perhaps an ambulance. You don’t immediately contact your Resolve Practitioner or Natural Health expert to be fixed up. The tissue and bone damage needs medical attention thus the normal medical begins fixing the problem and assisting in correcting the bodies "programs" and to restore a person’s normal function.

But weeks, months or even years later?

You find the pain medication is not working or you need more of it, or you hip or shoulder hurts so much that nothing seems to help and you can’t sleep. You begin to become more irritable, to remove yourself from the world a bit and perhaps not go out as often as you would like.

So now I need to explain about Recuperation and how I help in these typically traumatic events in life that others have tried to help with but “nothing works”. Often your attitude is “I just have to put up with it and it will go away”. And indeed it sometimes does because some individuals have the necessary resources to move on and overcome. Oh it would be nice if everyone had these “mystery resources” for self-healing.

You know the individuals I mean, you meet at parties or committee meeting, or your golf of tennis club, and they say “I’ve never had a pill, never felt better, and never go to the doctor” and so on. And you think to yourself “Why wasn’t I born like that”. The truth is you have no proof of statements like this. This skiting and aplomb attitude to sickness and poor health of others that do not seem to affect their health in the same way your health may have been affected over the years.

Anyway about my Resolve Clinic and what I do.

When you visit my clinic there is generally no pain as a result of what I do. Gentle techniques are the order of the day as I need to isolate the imbalances that are affecting you body's systems and imbalances.

You have no need to undress, or become emotional by explaining past or present situations. I will gently use your body's neurology to monitor your individual systems to reveal your state of health. These “inbuilt system” that make up each individual person are common in everyone. The reality is however is “what is happening within you that is causing YOUR system to be out of balance.

I am not interested in applying some “well regarded remedy” that may have fixed 100’s of other people (and indeed this may have happened to you and it has not helped to cure you). But rather through my Resolve work I am able to monitor a person’s neurology which in turn provides me with an excellent method to confirming of their state of health.

Stay tuned for more articles later


Article by Val Walters

Resolve Beyond Neurology

Al Zibluk