Tag: Fat Sick & Nearly Dead

Hot Lemon and Ginger Water – Best Sore Throat Remedy

Hot Lemon and Ginger Water — Best Sore Throat Remedy


I have always been interested in health.  This came to head with me in 1996 at 29 years old.  I became a USANA Distributor in July of that year as I wanted their products.  I am only mentioning it here as 20 years later I am still taking the product.  I will include a link for my site at the very end of this blog post. Better health interests me.


In 2013 I saw the movie “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead.” After that movie I bought a juicer.  I initially was juicing more fruit than I should have.  My girlfriend gave me Jason Vale’s book “The Juice Master’s Ultimate Fast Food Book.”  The book changed my life and I safely says lemons are probably my best friend after my girlfriend.

The book is great and the thing I took away from it was the “Three One” rule.  For every piece of fruit have three vegetables.  It made a huge difference.


Jason discusses lemons in his book which lead me to hot lemon and ginger water.  Hot lemon water by itself is boring.  Adding pieces of gingerroot to it makes it a lot more interesting.  I have never been a fan of tea but I like this.

All I do is cut a half of lemon into pieces and put it in my cup.  I then take a piece of gingerroot the size of my thumb, cut that into pieces and add it to my cup.  I then just add hot water.

I am not sure where I stand between the issue of nutritional supplements over getting all you need from food, I am sure of this sore throat remedy.  I put this drink in the “preventive” category.  I have not had a sore throat in years.  My cold use to start with a really sore throat.  Today when I get a cold it just starts with a little dry throat.  I still get colds but not nearly as bad as before.


I am passionate about health and I am going to start sharing what I know works.  Hot Lemon and Ginger Water works.


All the best,

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Alan Zibluk
e-mail: alan@internetguy.ws

PS: I have been taking this for twenty years.





Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member

Hot Lemon and Ginger Water Best Sore Throat Remedy

Hot Lemon and Ginger Water — Best Sore Throat Remedy


I have always been interested in health.  This came to head with me in 1996 at 29 years old.  I became a USANA Distributor in July of that year as I wanted their products.  I am only mentioning it here as 20 years later I am still taking the product.  I will include a link for my site at the very end of this blog post. Better health interests me.


In 2013 I saw the movie “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead.” After that movie I bought a juicer.  I initially was juicing more fruit than I should have.  My girlfriend gave me Jason Vale’s book “The Juice Master’s Ultimate Fast Food Book.”  The book changed my life and I safely says lemons are probably my best friend after my girlfriend.

The book is great and the thing I took away from it was the “Three One” rule.  For every piece of fruit have three vegetables.  It made a huge difference.


Jason discusses lemons in his book which lead me to hot lemon and ginger water.  Hot lemon water by itself is boring.  Adding pieces of gingerroot to it makes it a lot more interesting.  I have never been a fan of tea but I like this.

All I do is cut a half of lemon into pieces and put it in my cup.  I then take a piece of gingerroot the size of my thumb, cut that into pieces and add it to my cup.  I then just add hot water.

I am not sure where I stand between the issue of nutritional supplements over getting all you need from food, I am sure of this sore throat remedy.  I put this drink in the “preventive” category.  I have not had a sore throat in years.  My cold use to start with a really sore throat.  Today when I get a cold it just starts with a little dry throat.  I still get colds but not nearly as bad as before.


I am passionate about health and I am going to start sharing what I know works.  Hot Lemon and Ginger Water works.


All the best,

Alan Zibluk
e-mail: alan@internetguy.ws

PS: I have been taking this for twenty years.





Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead

Two men whose bodies have been trashed by steroids, obesity and illness, document their rigorous healing path to regain their health.

Besides giving a review, I want to give my readers a chance to learn more. It is always good to have more than one opinion.

Internet Movie Database — Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead
Amazon.com Reviews

Whether you are a believer or skeptic in the subject matter, this story is so well told. Joe Cross comes across as such a likeable person. He is seen interviewing different people about nutrition. He just asks questions and lets them answer. He never once insults anyone or their intelligence. I would hang out and be friends with him.

The first half of this movie is Joe Cross and his journey. In the middle of the movie he meets Phil Staples. Phil and Joe both have urticarial vasculitis so they immediately bonded. The next half is Phil’s journey with Joe’s support. Joe was paying it forward which has always been a nice concept.

It is a touching and uplifting. It is a “feel good” movie. I liked seeing how supportive family and friends were during all this. It is available on Netflix Streaming and Amazon.com prime. You can learn more by going to the movie’s websites below. I am giving Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 4 stars.

Facebook Page — Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead

I am more a believer than skeptic about what I saw. A 60 day juice fast scares me. I would worry about my teeth not chewing on any food for that long of a period. I will also say the testimonials of both Joe and Phil seem a little too good to be true. I do have these concerns.

This was the third time I have seen the movie. I saw it the first time in January 2012. I immediately went out a bought a juicer at Walmart. It did get good reviews and it is quiet as described. I have a picture of it below as well as the product description. I made a commitment to make my own juice which I keep telling myself “has to be better than soda”. I do have my own Green Juice which is one granny smith apple, one lemon, 4 celery sticks, a bunch of kale and a piece of ginger root the size of my thumb. Phil Staples is shown making something very similar.

I am also attaching a picture of a book I liked about juicing and fasting. I learned from Jason Vale’s book the importance of eating your fruits and juicing your vegetables. Since adopting this I have lost 23 pounds in the last year.

After the above listed I created a Healthy Living Pinterest Board. Click here to view it. Most of the images I have pinned from other sources.

Alan Zibluk
The Internet Guy
e-mail: alan@alantheinternetguy.com

The Original Internet Guy Website (2004)

Who is Alan Zibluk — http://www.alanzibluk.com