Tag: affiliate marketing

How to Choose Affiliate Banners for Your Site

affiliate marketing

affiliate marketing

How to Choose Affiliate Banners for Your Site

Internet affiliate marketing is a relatively recent concept, but internet affiliate marketing has often worked out quite well for many different business owners who have given affiliate marketing a try. Internet affiliate marketing often brings to mind ideas of affiliate marketing banners posted on one’s website, and although there are other ways of utilizing affiliate marketing, this is probably the most common.

If you are looking for affiliate marketing banners to place on your website, it is important that you try to pick the correct affiliate marketing banners.

Some affiliate marketing banners are very colorful and full of graphics aimed at targeting your customers, who may be interested in your products or services. However, these involved affiliate marketing banners often do not produce very good results.

One of the reasons for this is because the affiliate marketing banner that is so full of color, fancy text, pictures, etc. can take too long to load on many computers, thus defeating the whole idea behind your marketing strategy. It may be worth your time and money to find affiliate marketing banners that are based around text.

Many business owners who have used affiliate marketing have discovered that these text based affiliate marketing banners do not have any less of a click rate than other affiliate marketing banners.

These text affiliate marketing links and banners are also probably less bothersome to your customers. It is also recommended that you be careful with the flashing affiliate marketing banners and blinking affiliate marketing banners. Although these marketing tools can sometimes cause more clicks from   your target audience, these marketing tools are also quite bothersome.

If there are affiliate marketing graphic ads that you decide to use as part of marketing strategies on your website, it will be wise to try to make sure that the marketing advertisement fits in with the theme colors and ideas of your site as much as possible.

Affiliate marketing banners and affiliate marketing text links are definitely helpful for those interested in affiliate marketing.

Ida Mae Boyd
Markethive Inbound Marketing Specialist

Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member

Affiliation the Quickest Way to Get Started Online

affiliate marketing

affiliate marketing

Affiliation the Quickest Way to Get Started Online

Yes, your online content will be packed with free tips and techniques and secret weapons for becoming the next internet marketing millionaire.

However, it can be very time consuming especially if you are just starting to build your online business. The arrival of the Internet has made the tasks of promoting your business much easier than before.

You get instant feedback with your advertising that in times gone by would have taken months if not years to obtain. The same sort of results that now can take as little time as a few minutes with Google ad words can achieve the same results, saving you time and money.

Some of the benefits of an online business: the most inexpensive way to start a business, unlimited market for your products or services, automatic streams of constantly growing income (otherwise known as passive income), more time you are able to spend with your family and loved ones as a result. So ask yourself what products can I offer that are of interest. What type of product can I sell that will take the hassle out of making money online what can I sell that will give my customers instant gratification and solve my prospect's problem, the answer is electronic downloadable product with instant access 24/7. 

If your ads or products do not clearly spell this out, and tell the customer how you will give them what he/she desires, most times you will not make the sale, if you go down the path of selling hard product then you are going to require a customer service department, or shipping department, then you must see how many people you will need to employ.

If your selling digital downloads then you don’t need any of the above you can set up your business and it will run on automatic.

While it is true that other major search engines have also recently launched similar tools, Google remains in a class of its own in terms of what it can deliver and the sheer experience of being the premier and largest search engine provider.

The truth is that an affiliate needs fairly high levels of traffic to make money from any online affiliate business opportunity. An Affiliate Program Can Help Your Business. The truth is that there is a lot of hard work in terms of setting up structures and driving traffic to your affiliate site that needs to be done over a period of time before the money can start to roll in thick and fast.

This is the reason why most people who register to join a top 10 online business opportunity affiliate program usually give up somewhere along the way. There is probably no online business opportunity today that is more viable than joining an affiliate program or two. In fact it has now become clear that chances of online business success are much higher with an affiliate program opportunity than by trying to launch your own new product or service. Small companies do it to become big while big sites do it to retain their position.

Casting aside the more technical programming jargon, the most important things to making money online in terms of SEO is inbound links and good content on your website.

Have some Meaningful Content about your Keyword or Keyword Phrase. You need to have meaningful content that the Search engines can use to determine if your product is relevant to what the search terms are that people are typing in there browsers.

The engines are getting much smarter about robotic page generated sites that are not able to be read by humans and are only there to trick the search engines, pages like this are a thing of the past, these days the more relevant the information you provide to people through your web site the more success you will have. This is not a lesson on search engines but given the amount of content based on the one word 'SEO' you can begin to understand how popular this idea is.

In conclusion affiliation is the quickest way to get stated online and you need relative content to what it is that you are selling, all matched to the key words that people are using to find what they are looking for. This with the determination to succeed and a little hard work and you’re on the way to setting up our own online empire.

Ida Mae Boyd

Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member

Starting an Affiliate Marketing Campaign

Starting an Affiliate Marketing CampaignStarting an Affiliate Marketing Campaign

Some business owners opt to start an affiliate marketing campaign as part of their overall marketing strategy. In most cases the affiliate marketing campaign is only a small portion of the overall marketing strategy but there are some business owners who opt to rely exclusively on this type of marketing. The main purpose of doing this is to save money while still achieving valuable advertising.

However, once a business becomes more successful they should consider being more proactive and combining affiliate marketing with other types of Internet marketing such as placing banner ads and orchestrating an email marketing campaign. This article will take a look at what affiliate marketing is and will provide insight into why this is popular and how it can be used effectively.

An affiliate marketing campaign is essentially a situation where other website owners place ads for your business on their websites. These website owners are known as affiliates. It is important to understand how this type of marketing works. In general the affiliates are given code for your banner ad to place on their website and given the freedom to promote their own website as they see fit. In promoting their website they are also attracting attention to your website because of the banner ad directing visitors to your own website.

One of the most appealing elements of affiliate marketing is the affiliate is only compensated when he produces a desired result. This means the business owner is not obligated to pay the affiliate unless the affiliate is successful. Success may be defined as generating traffic to the website, resulting in a sale or even resulting in the Internet user registering on your website or filling out a survey.

The compensation for affiliates is generally based on cost per click, cost per lead or cost per sale. Cost per click and cost per lead are usually paid in terms of a flat fee which is awarded to the affiliate each time an Internet user either simply clicks through the banner ad on his website or performs a specific action after clicking through the ad. Cost per sale may result in the affiliate being awarded a flat fee or a percentage of the sale depending on the agreement between the business owner and the affiliate.

The most effective use of affiliate marketing is to actively seek out affiliates with a proven track record of promoting the businesses which they support. Most affiliate programs are open to anyone with a website and it is not necessarily damaging to allow those who are not particularly knowledgeable about marketing to run your banner ad but it is far more worthwhile to seek out affiliates who are quite adept and generating website traffic to their own website. This is important because the more visitors they receive each month the more likely your website it to receive interest from visitors who click on the affiliates banner ad.

Another aspect of affiliate marketing which can contribute to success or failure is the design of your banner ads. It is important to remember affiliate marketing is viewed the same way other types of marketing are viewed and care should be taken to create banner ads which will be appealing to your target audience. This means everything from the colors of your ad to the size and style of the font should be carefully considered to create an appealing advertisement.

Article by:
Brian Walters SEO

Skype: tuneup_bj

Brian Walters MarketHive


Al Zibluk

Earn a Full-Time Income as a Part-Time Affiliate Marketer

You don't need business experience, savvy technical skills, or personal experience to become an affiliate marketer. With the right education, tools, guidance and implementation, almost anybody who’s serious can get it running and can begin earning legitimate, dependable money.

Most of us stay at home mums would agree that we have a tremendously demanding job. Caring for a child full time is no joke especially when you have more than one to chase around. On the flip side, most would also agree that it’s the most fulfilling and rewarding job in the world! Despite how busy or stressful it can get, it allows us to enjoy these precious early years with the most important little people in our lives.

As time flies by, most of us are almost given the ultimatum to go back to work or stay at home with the kids. So depending on your personal circumstances and your financial commitments, most of us find ourselves heading back to work, not really having a choice.

But what if there was another choice for you? A choice that allowed you to work from home 1-3 hours a day, never having to personally sell, recruit or host any parties, no physical handling of products and you did not have to have business, savvy technical skills or personal experience? A very uncommon option that could lead you to replacing your full time income (and then some) and giving you back the time with you kids, family and friends.

So what is it? This is what we call Affiliate Marketing.

So what is Affiliate Marketing?

To put it simply, an Affiliate Marketer is like an “Internet Middle Man” who promotes somebody else’s goods online. They make money when they successfully connect an online buyer with an online merchant who is already selling what the buyer needs. If a sale takes place because of the Affiliate Marketer’s efforts, then they get paid a percentage of the selling price (AKA a commission). There’s no need to buy or create products or services to sell, and there are no storage, handling or shipping issues to manage as mentioned above.

Affiliate Marketing also known as Digital Marketing can provide you with a lifestyle people only dream of. Many people globally have made substantial incomes with this knowledge and as the digital economy grows we can only began to imagine the financial bliss you could bring to your lives with the proper training and knowledge.

People who attempt it expecting instant gratification will almost always fail. Successful Affiliate Marketers are the ones who treat it like a serious business and understand that like with anything real, what you put in is what you get out. With the right education, tools, guidance and implementation, almost anybody who’s serious can get it running and can begin earning legitimate, dependable money. It can also provide financial security that employment just can’t promise. The Internet isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon and because you work for yourself, you’re never at risk of losing your job.

The best part about Affiliate Marketing is once you have learnt and implemented the right training, you can run your business from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection and computer, you’re all set! Just imagine being able to jet set around the world, investing 1-3 hours a day into your business and spending the rest with you family. Sounds great right?

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Stephen Hodgkiss
Chief Engineer at MarketHive


Al Zibluk