Ever have a dream where you are falling?

I woke up slowly this morning with a vivid memory of a dream I had last night. I fell from a very high mountainous range, off a over-hanging ledge.

dream falling

For some reason I was walking in the mountains and I decided to slide down a bank or incline. I had not seen clearly enough what lay below that, I thought it was safe but that was not the case at all.

As I got  to the end of the 'slide' it came obvious that this had not been a good idea and before me a ledge appeared, which I then fell over .. just about clinging to it.

There was nothing below me .. only fresh air and what looked like a few thousand feet to the ground below .. parts of the view were obscured by clouds, so I knew I was doomed if I fell.

I tried to climb up and cling on but I knew it was to no avail. So I resigned myself to knowing that there was no hope, and I may as well let go. I started to fall …..

On the way down I passed someone, no idea who they were but it was a woman. For some reason she was waiting for me on the ground (no idea how she managed that). She stepped aside as I hit the ground.

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I had survived!!!! It was a miracle.

The next thing I remember was that I was with my Mother, wondering if I was really okay after such a fall. I was worried of internal injuries and bleeding myself but after that I was too far into waking up, going over in my head of what I had just dreamt about.

What does this dream mean?

"I'm Falling!"

Another very common dream is the dream where you are falling from a cliff, a building, a rooftop, an airplane or from some higher ground. Contrary to a popular myth, you will not actually die if you do not wake up before you hit the ground from the fall. To understand your falling dream, you need to look to what is going on in your waking life.

Falling suggests loss of control:

When you fall, you have no control and have nothing to hold on to. Thus your falling dream is analogous to a situation in your waking life where you are lacking or losing control. You are feeling overwhelmed, perhaps in school, in your work environment, in your home life or maybe in your personal relationship. You have lost your foothold and unable to keep up with the demands of your daily life.

Falling suggests insecurity:

Falling in your dream means you are lacking any sense of security, stability and confidence. You are not sure where you stand in a particular circumstance or in your relationship. Perhaps you are at risk of losing your job or losing your home. Such loss can make you feel that the ground is falling away underneath you. Moreover falling dreams also indicate feelings of shame, inferiority, vulnerability, and/or low self-esteem. You are afraid of not measuring up to others' expectations or to keep up with the status quo. If you have recently have demands placed on you, then it would not be surprising if you dreamt of falling.

Falling suggests reckless behavior:

Your falling dream may be a wake-up call of your reckless behavior or poor decisions. You are headed the wrong way in life. And if you continue on the current path, you are going to hit rock bottom. Falling in your dream could be viewed as an analogy of your fall from grace.  

Falling suggests sex:

According to Freudian theory, dreams of falling indicates that you are on the verge of giving in to your sexual urges or impulses. You are lacking indiscretion.

Falling is a result of physiology:

The physiological changes within the body when you "fall asleep" may actually trigger a falling dream. When you dream of falling, you may feel your whole body jerk or twitch. This sudden jolt is known as a myoclonic jerk and is sometimes strong enough to wake you up.


In order to understand and interpret your falling dream, look at what is happening in your waking life that could bring about the dream. Where in your life do you feel a lost of control? What is causing your insecurities? 

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Stephen Hodgkiss
Chief Engineer at MarketHive


Al Zibluk