The Film Movie Critic Review — MI-5: Vol. 7

Richard Armitage joins the cast of this award winning British spy series as Lucas North, a former MI-5 agent who’s back on the job after spending eight years in a Russian prison which makes him a perfect fit for Section D’s priority of the moment. But the question is, can he be trusted? His old friend Harry Pearce (Peter Firth) would like to think so but has his doubts.

I must like this show as I am on volume 7. I thought volume one was slow but it kept me interested enough to see the other seasons. If you like political and spy drama along with some action you may like this series. Do not get attached to any of the characters as they are constantly coming and going. I think right now in season seven I have a crush on Ros Myers. I am giving it 3.4 stars.

Alan Zibluk
The Film Movie Critic
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